Women exceed men in admissions


Women are outnumbering men in the veterinary profession and dominating admissions at veterinary medicine schools.

Women are outnumbering men in the veterinary profession and dominating admissions at veterinary medicine schools. Recently the University of California-Davis' prestigious veterinary school reported that 80 percent of the applicants accepted in April 2008 were women. Similar numbers have been reported by other veterinary schools across the country.1 Today 79 percent of the seats at the nation's 28 veterinary schools are occupied by females, while in the 1960s only 5 percent of veterinary students were women.2

1. Source: www.mercurynews.com; Women dominate admissions at veterinary medicine schools by Lisa M Krieger, April 14, 2008.

2. Source: www.boston.com; Veterinary schools turn increasingly female by Sarah Schweitzer, Aug. 22, 2007.

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