This toolkit delivers articles, tips, handouts, videos and tools all designed to keep your veterinary team members performing at their best this year.
This dvm360 toolkit focuses on your team in 2014. The special package of articles, tips, handouts, videos and tools is designed to keep your veterinary team members performing at their best this year.
Articles and tips
> How to heal a fractured veterinary team
> 10 tasks to tackle right now
Your team in 2014 tools
Social media skills
Make sure your team is reaching out to clients the right way with these tips:
> Social media permission form
> Social media practice policy
> Video: Should team members be "funny" on social media?
Make sure your team is a solid unit in 2014 with these tips:
> What to do when someone goes diva
> What your next team meeting needs
> Where does communication most often break down in a veterinary clinic?
Ready-to-use handouts
Bust bottlenecks, start a discussion and blast boredom using these team tools:
> Brainstorm bottleneck scenarios
> Discussion guide: Gathering feedback from the team
> What to do when there's nothing to do
Talk back
Does your team do a great job staying positive and building staff morale? We'd love to share your winning strategies with your colleagues. Did you try one of these tools? We'd love to know what your experience was like. Any other feedback?
Let us know