
Audrey Ruple, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVPM, MRCVS


In the trenches: The veterinarian's role in the One Health movement

By the nature of their knowledge and expertise, it is incumbent on veterinarians to promote this global initiative and educate medical doctors as equal partners in improving health around the world.

Jenina Pellegren


What Professionals Want You to Know Before Adopting a Pet

Every year, approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter shelters nationwide. Veterinary and animal shelter professionals want potential owners to be prepared when considering adoption.

Paul Jacobs, CFP


Brexit Brings Investment Opportunities

For investors in the US, a few savvy moves can translate into increased investment income.

Chad M. Johannes, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM, Oncology)


New Veterinary Oncology Therapeutics

Cancer research is advancing at an unprecedented pace, bringing a host of new treatment possibilities.

Louise S. Dunntrainer W. Steven Brown published a book about serious errors managers make that affect their ability to manage


Attention, Managers: Are You Making These Leadership Errors?

Managers can develop team members’ skills, knowledge and self-esteem, or they can create animosity, mistrust and doubt.

Randy Hall


Your Practice's Growth Starts With You

Your personal development as a leader is tied directly to the evolution and prosperity of your business.

Joe Hannan


The Top 5 Smartphone Apps of 2016

These are the five apps that stood out to the editors at VMD this year. We judged and ranked them on three criteria: They had to be useful, they had to be affordable, and they had to solve a problem.

Mike Hennessy, Sr, Chairman


Addressing an Animal Welfare Crisis

Oftentimes, many pet owners struggle to with having limited funds for veterinary care, yet organizations such as the Access to Veterinary Care Coalition are committed to giving the care that low-income households and their pets deserve.

Deborah Cottrell, DVM


Letter to the Editor (October 2017)

A letter from one reader regarding a previous article on veterinary chiropractic care.

Peter Weinstein, DVM, MBA


Making prescriptions more efficient

How can e-prescribing improve the workflow between veterinarians and pharmacists?

Diane Levitan, VMD, ACVIM


The Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Small Animal Medicine

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the use of oxygen under pressure delivered in a specialized chamber built to withstand high internal pressure.

Bruce L. Truman


The Benefits of Online Appointment Booking

You’ll alleviate frustration, improve team performance, boost client satisfaction, and enjoy better business outcomes.

Maureen McKinney


Elanco defends Seresto safety, refuses recall

The company stands firmly behind the pet flea and tick collar and its safety profile.

Brian Faulkner, BSc(Hons), BVM&S, CertGP(SAM), CertGP(BPS), MBA, MSc(Psych), MRCVS


Working as a Team to Get the Bill Paid

Adopting certain habits before, during and after patient visits can increase the likelihood that clients will pay for services at the time of the appointment.

Margo Pierce


Veterinary Network Focuses on Sea Turtle Conservation

By providing husbandry and health information, an informal network of veterinarians hopes to bolster endangered sea turtle populations around the world.

Patty Khuly, VMD, MBA


Put Down that Pug?

Treating preventable genetic diseases in purebreds is unethical unless we condemn the breeding practices that lead to suffering along with the sale of afflicted animals.

George Bird


Making Sense of Your Waiting Room

Both pets and their owners can experience anxiety during veterinary visits. Set them—and your practice—up for success with these tips for your waiting room.

Nicola Parry, BSc, MSc, BVSc, Dip. ACVP


Clinical Signs & Diagnosis of Canine Influenza

Although dogs were typically considered to be refractory to infection with influenza A viruses, two canine influenza virus (CIV) subtypes—H3N8 and H3N2—have emerged in the past 12 years.

Kenneth Martin, DVM, DACVB


The Keys to Kitten Socialization

Ensuring that clients understand the importance of socialization—and how to do it right—is the key to raising a calm pet that is comfortable in multiple surroundings.

Carolyn Shadle, MA, PhD


Helping Them Heal: What to Say, Do for Grieving Clients

Helping clients through the grieving process after the loss of a beloved pet can bond them to your practice. Here’s what to do (and not to do).

Mark Cantrell


Enlisting Dogs in the War on Cancer

Parallels between species have propelled collaboration and coordination in oncology research that is proving beneficial to both people and pets.

Amy Bentz, VMD, DACVIM


Can Lameness Be Determined By a Horse's Facial Expression?

Early diagnosis of musculoskeletal pain in horses is key in preventing lameness and enabling optimal performance. How can a horse’s facial expressions help with early pain detection?

Sarah Anwar


5 Ways to Work Out at Work

We all know that it's important to incorporate some exercise into your daily routine. Here are five ways to incorporate exercise into your work day.

Karl Salzsieder, DVM, JD, CVA


The Seller's Dilemma: Private or Corporate Buyer?

Veterinarians looking to sell their practice must weigh the needs and expectations of potential buyers against their own financial situation and desires.

Jennifer Nessel


University of Florida to Launch Cardiac Surgery Program

With help from a renowned Japanese heart surgeon, the program will teach veterinary health professionals the complex mitral valve repair procedure.

Amy Jensen


Tips for Eco-Friendly Pet Ownership

With so many ways to go green today, it’s not surprising that there’s a place for pets to contribute as well. Here are four eco-friendly ideas practices can participate in — and share with clients.

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