
Donald Draper, DVM, PhD, MBA


Career destiny, Knowing what you want to achieve will open doors for new opportunities

It can be helpful for you to spend time in each type of practice before making your decision.

Elizabeth Winingham


Thanks, Firstline

Fantastic debut issue! I held my staff's copies back until I could steal a copy to read it for myself first.

Todd Towell, DVM, MS, DACVIM


Applying evidence-based decisions in clinical practice (Proceedings)

The prevailing system of veterinary medical education and the practice of continued learning are not based on rigorous assessment of evidence for or against particular management options, including many aspects of clinical nutrition.

Gene Maxwell, DVM


Conflict: How to overcome approval addiction

How to handle tough situations in the office.

Phil Seibert, CVT


Red in tooth and clawand how to keep both away from your face

You, dear veterinary professional, dont go out looking to be bitten or scratched, yet you probably have some sort of battle scar from a bad encounter. Heres how to prevent any more from happening in the future.

Susan E. Little, DVM, PhD, DACVM (parasitology)


Helping protect the bond between veterinary clients and pets through parasite control

Controlling parasites protects the human-animal bond, ensuring that fleas, ticks and internal parasites don't come between pets and their owners while also protecting pet and public health.

David Richards


Handwritten thank-you notes just what the doctor ordered

It has been said that 69 percent of customers leave a business because of indifference. When clients perceive that the practice does not care about them, their loyalty is diminished.

Jessica Vogelsang, DVM


A drugs life: How David Bruyettes biotech startup is changing the way veterinary products come to market

Anivive Lifesciences starts with unmet therapeutic needs and employs high-tech research methods to identify compounds that could meet those needs.

Marc Kent, DVM, DACVIM (neurology)


5-fluorouracil: Lifesaving for one species, deadly for others

This topical drug formulation used to treat human skin cancers is often fatal when ingested by dogs and cats. The worst part? Human health professionals arent warning their patients about the dangers to pets.

Ranee Baker, RVT


Weigh in on portly pets

Canines counting calories? Felines fasting? Raneé Baker, RVT, a technician at Kingsbrook Animal Hospital in Frederick, Md., developed a better plan to manage pets' weight.

Dana Durrance, MA


10 tips to beat compassion fatigue

It?s time to leave compassion fatigue in the past. Start anew by following these 10 revitalizing resolutions.

Sonya Brouillette, DVM


Kids want to be veterinarians ...

... So inspire them. Step out into your community and make a memorable impression.

Laurie J. Miller, RVT


Simple forms can help train new hires

So, you have found the perfect person to fill the position of veterinarian (or technician, client service representative).

James A. Lavely, DVM, DACVIM (neurology)


Get off my back you pain in the neck: Managing pain in neurologic patients (Proceedings)

The inability of our veterinary patients to speak to us can make determining the presence of pain a challenging process. Vocalization is often a clear sign that an animal is painful. However, even this can be misleading at times, as animals with brain disorders may vocalize without being painful.

Maureen Hrehocik


Commit to compliance

Tampa, Fla.-According to Dr. Robin Downing, of the Windsor Veterinary Clinic, Windsor, Colo., compliance is a quality of care and a quality of life issue. When viewed in this context, being an advocate for a pet that cannot advocate for itself is a "no brainer."

Olya A. Smrkovski, DVM, DACVIM (oncology)


Client handout: All about canine mast cell tumors

Pass out this resource to clients with affected dogs.

Thomas E. Catanzaro, DVM, MHA, FACHE, DACHE


Life skills turn priceless in practice

You have graduated; you passed the boards, and you have finally found a practice that is a great fit. The owner is excited about having you start your career at the practice, too. Now you must walk through the door of that practice and make your first impression as a new team member.

Barb Walker


Give clients the scoop on poop

Ask a client for a fecal sample and you'll likely get a range of responses-from slightly sickened to totally grossed out. Hey, playing with pet poop's not your favorite hobby, either, but fecal testing helps you keep pets parasite-free.

Kenneth E. Bartels, DVM, MS


On the Forefront: Prophylactic laser disk ablation in dogs at Oklahoma State University

Laser disk ablation, a procedure for preventing thoracolumbar intervertebral disk herniation in dogs, has been developed and performed in more than 350 dogs at the Oklahoma State University Center for Veterinary Health Sciences.

Nancy Cronin Stiff


Handling euthanasias: Tender care for grieving clients

As caregivers in the veterinary profession, we enjoy the privilege of being a part of the end of many pets' lives. To do this honor justice, we created what we call a "tender culture" at our practice. This refers to taking special care of our euthanasia clients from the time they make the appointment to the time the remains are presented. We train our staff to be compassionate throughout the entire process, and knowing about our procedures might be helpful for your team-as well as your clients.

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