
Walter Threlfall, DVM, MS, PhD, ACT


Semen collection and shipment (Proceedings)

A guide to proper semen collection and shipment.

Erika Rasmusson Janes


Fight your fear of pet insurance paperwork

Overwhelmed by the thought of recommending pet insurance because of the administrative work involved? Don't fret. These tips can simplify the process and make pet insurance pay for your veterinary practice.

Petra A. Volmer, DVM, MS, DABVT, DABT


Pet food recall: Melamine and cyanuric acid (1:55)

Melamine and cyanuric acid: An update on what practitioners need to know



Medical management of respiratory distress following trauma (Proceedings)

Initial triage evaluation of the post-trauma patient should include a careful evaluation of respiratory function.

John Scott


Breaking the silence

In general, the right of confidentiality belongs to the client, and you can't release information about your client or the care of a patient until your client provides written authorization or waives that right, says Dr. John Scott, attorney.

Lorraine A. Corriveau, DVM


Guinea pig wellness (Proceedings)

Guinea pigs belong to the family Cavid?. Four digits on the forepaw and three digits on the hindpaw characterize Cavid?. Guinea pigs originate from the high planes of South America therefore they tolerate cold better than heat.

Bryan Stegelmeier, DVM, PhD, DACVP


Identifying nephrotoxic plants, and how to minimize poisoning

Red-maple hybrids should be considered toxic until proven otherwise.

Beth A. Flickinger, PhD, RD


The role of fiber in weight loss diets

Dietary fiber may help dogs and cats feel fuller by diluting calories.



Anaplasmosis in cattle (Proceedings)

Anaplasmosis is a noncontagious, infectious, transmissible hemoparasitic disease of cattle.

Danny W. Scott, DVM, DACVD


Tetracyclines and niacinamide in canine dermatology (Proceedings)

The tetracyclines were initially used as bacteriostatic antibiotics. Niacinamide (the amide of niacin) is a vasodilator. These agents also have some interesting in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.

Lynette A. Hart, PhD


The positive influence of companion animals

Do you think pets are just good company? They may be much more. Dr. Lynette Hart discusses the positive side effects of companion animals on humans in various situations.

Mindy Valcarcel, Editor, Medicine Channel Director


Veterinary practice: Stranger in fiction?

These actors aren't vets, but they played them on TV. A retrospective of how TV and movies portray vets and veterinary practices.

Michael Rehm, DVM


Promoting twice-yearly wellness exams

This preventive care program increases client bonding and extends pets' lives.

Donna Loyle


Call of the wild

No two days are the same for Busch Gardens senior veterinarian, who cares for about 300 species.

Safdar A. Khan, DVM, MS, PhD, DABVT


Toxicology Brief: Hydroxyurea toxicosis in dogs and cats

Acute toxicosis with this antineoplastic drug can result in life-threatening signs.

Dana L. Fertig, DVM, MS


Editors' Guest: My eye-opening experience in editing a veterinary journal

After several years in small-animal practice and a lengthy stint in industry work, I recently began working as a contributing technical editor for Veterinary Medicine.

Kelly Stone, MS


Above and beyond

It began with an unconscious kitten, bleeding out of one nostril with lung contusions on the same side, radiographs later showed. The owner's presentation didn't correlate with the injuries, and neglect or abuse was likely.

Diane Monsein Levitan, VMD, DACVIM


Blood glucose monitoring

An evolving method of at-home diabetes management

Linda Fineman, DVM, DACVIM (oncology)


To Err Is Human

Mistakes in practice are inevitable. It is what we do after making an error that can help foster—or dissuade—the culture of infallibility that permeates our profession.

Ahna Brutlag, DVM, MS, DABT, DABVT


4 Independence Day dangers for pets

Loud noises aren't the only worry pets face on July Fourth. To help clients keep pets safe, be familiar with the signs and treatments for these four threats.

Corrie Brown, DVM, PhD


Bird Flu: Disease takes off around the world, remains primarily an avian threat

Avian influenza: It seems to be everywhere these days - on the news, in magazines, at the bookstores. Avian influenza even has been used on television for sweeps week!

Deborah S. Greco


Dietary treatment of diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats (Sponsored by Nestle Purina)

Dietary therapy is the key to proper management of the diabetic cat and dog.

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