
Nancy Cronin Stiff


Handling euthanasias: Tender care for grieving clients

As caregivers in the veterinary profession, we enjoy the privilege of being a part of the end of many pets' lives. To do this honor justice, we created what we call a "tender culture" at our practice. This refers to taking special care of our euthanasia clients from the time they make the appointment to the time the remains are presented. We train our staff to be compassionate throughout the entire process, and knowing about our procedures might be helpful for your team-as well as your clients.

Philip Bergman, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVIM (oncology)


Paraneoplastic syndromes: What's the big deal? (Proceedings)

Paraneoplastic syndromes (PNS) are neoplasm-associated alterations in bodily structure and/or function that occur distant to the tumor. They are an extremely diverse group of clinical aberrations that are associated with the non-invasive actions of the tumor.

Samuel Durkan, DVM, DACVECC


Approach to the dyspneic patient (Proceedings)

The presence of respiratory distress indicates either a problems with obstruction (e.g. laryngeal paralysis) or the lungs or pleural space.

Clifford R. Berry, DVM, DACVR


Radiography: How to use this imaging approach in acute vomiting patients

Dr. Clifford (Kip) Berry explains why radiographs are great for initially identifying the cause of vomiting in cats and dogs.

Thomas N. Tully, Jr., DVM, MS, DABVP (Avian), DECZM (Avian)


Important diagnostic test methods for avian patients (Proceedings)

For a veterinary technician overseeing an avian or exotic animal patient, diagnostic testing is an essential tool in formulating a definitive diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan. Diagnostic testing is simply not a luxury for veterinary teaching hospitals, but a necessity for every clinical practice that sees these patients.

Laurie Smith, RVT


3 tips for an earth-friendly practice

Reducing, recycling, and reusing plastic packaging is a regular habit at Peachtree Hills Animal Hospital in Atlanta, Ga.

Michelle Guercio, CVT, CVPM


Plan for a seamless transition

Q. I've just been promoted to practice manager. How can I make sure I'm successful?



Equine herpes I virus and equine neurologic disease (Proceedings)

Equine herpes virus-1 (EHV-1) is, for multiple reasons, a problematic infectious disease in the horse.

Michelle Fabiani, DVM, DACVR


7 techniques for better radiographsand better patient care

A radiograph can quickly become an expensive and a dangerous waste of time (think of that X-ray exposure!) if its not showing what is needed. Here are some tips to make you a pro.

Rachael Lookabill


On the Job: Rachael Lookabill

What have I learned after 16 years as a veterinary receptionist? Certainly that I'm not just a receptionist. I've masqueraded as the kennel cleaner, the veterinary assistant, and the office manager.

Cynthia M. Otto, DVM, PhD, DACVECC


Head trauma (Proceedings)

Head trauma can result from a variety of different types of injury in dogs and cats. The aim of treatment for head trauma is the prevention of secondary brain injury.

Jason Syrcle, DVM, DACVS


Upping your lateral suture game

Lateral suture stabilization is a viable treatment option for cranial cruciate ligament injury in dogs. Here are key points for increasing success in these cases.

Brent Dickinson


Sizewise, reach for the stars—not your wallet

Easy, budget-friendly ways to make your small veterinary practice appear larger.

Susan Kelleher, DVM


Interesting avian and exotic cases (Proceedings)

A 4 year old neutered male rabbit weighing 1.98 kg presented in December of 2002 for a 1 year history of nasal discharge and violent sneezing.

Jennifer L. Davis, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVCP


Analgesics in practice part 1: NSAIDS (Proceedings)

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been a mainstay of veterinary analgesia for many years. They are frequently used for the treatment of lameness, abdominal pain, inflammation, and fever.

Sean J. Delaney DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVN


No meat? All meat? (Neither, please)

Veterinary clients can go to opposite sides of a spectrum in diet preferences for their pets. But who's really in control?

Colette Wegenast, DVM


Toxicology Brief: Phenylephrine ingestion in dogs: What's the harm?

Veterinarians should be aware of phenylephrine's toxic potential in dogs since its use as a human decongestant has likely increased.

Ann Wortinger, BIS, LVT, VTS


Feline-focused food puzzles dont have to be complicated

This easy-to-assemble food puzzle comes to you courtesy of a Firstline reader.

Patricia F. Ashley, DVM, DACVD


What every technician should know about flea control (Proceedings)

Be familiar with the flea life cycle and where the stages live. Things you may not know:

James M. Lewis


Face your fees head-on: Figure out what's changed, what hasn't, and what should (sponsored by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health)

In this economic climate, there's pressure both to charge more and to charge less-and creative ways to hold the line.

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