How entrepreneurial veterinarians can reap benefits of a corporate practice while remaining independent
Meghan Respess, DVM, DACVECC, discusses the need for more banking programs and animal donors
Consider these factors if you’re thinking of purchasing an electrical backup generator for your veterinary hospital.
Learn how to navigate challenges and make a speedier diagnosis
A dermatologist breaks down the state of research on insect-based diets
Jb Minter, DVM, MS, DACZM, discusses potential complications that can arise when amphibians are under anesthesia
Master writing the job posting to find the best fits for your clinic
Traditional handling methods are being replaced by a more thoughtful and gentle approach.
AI technology is revolutionizing the veterinary profession with artificial-intelligence wearables for cats that provide real-time health insights
Financial hardships can cause frustration for everyone involved, but having proactive conservations can help prepare clients for future veterinary care needs
Mark J. Acierno, DVM, MBA, DACVIM, talks about his lecture “Leptospirosis: Current Recommendations and What is the Risk to Veterinary Professionals”
dvm360 student ambassador Paige Varney shares how an early veterinary hospital job led to a wealth of experiences and opportunities
A 9-year-old Catahoula mix presented to the veterinary clinic with a limp on his left front leg
Second year veterinary student join this week's episode to chat about her experience in veterinary school as a hearing-impaired student, and more
Use these six steps to keep your practice website out of the litter box.
Topics covered include the history of cannabis use in veterinary medicine, current laws on cannabis for pets, market size and segment, reported experiences from both pet owners and veterinarians, and pet toxicology.
Recent research on necessary precautions when feeding dogs this diet
When it comes to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, actions speak louder than words
Eight ways to help you reignite your passion for veterinary medicine
At the annual AVMA Convention in Austin, Texas, Dr Jenifer Chatfield shares “3 Truths and a lie” about this potentially life-threatening infection for dogs
Sandra Koch, DVM, MS, DACVD, offers a comprehensive overview of available therapies for feline patients with this allergic skin condition
Take a mental break from the day and celebrate National Veterinary Technician Week with this technician-inspired crossword puzzle!
Preparation and mindset are critical in performing under stress
Antimicrobials are crucial for the effective treatment of staphylococcal infections, and it’s critical to choose the right one
Options for relieving the burdens and responsibilities of real estate management as a veterinary professional.
Worldwide disease threatens all wild and domestic pigs
Dr. Niccole Bruno, DVM, CEO and Founder of blendVET®, has built a pioneering career as a clinician, hospital leader, and advocate, dedicated to empowering underrepresented minorities in veterinary medicine through mentorship, authenticity, and community building.
To help encourage and remind veterinary professionals to take care of their mental and physical health, one dvm360 student ambassador launched the Tails of Wellness project.
Extending reproduction disease prevention to exotics