
Michael H. Riegger, DVM, DABVP


The veterinary brain, interrupted

Interruptions kill productivity, making your brain work harder to cope. Try these 12 steps to increase your focus and enhance patient care at your veterinary clinic.

Daniel R. Verdon


WVC keynote: How to kill stress in veterinary practice

Anxiety: It is literally holding you back from success, says management consultant Michael Staver during a keynote presentation today at the Western Veterinary Conference (WVC).

Brett Beckman, DVM, FAVD, DAVDC, DAAPM


Oral surgery solutions: Managing mysterious cases and making tough choices

Veterinarians and pet owners alike often deal with unanswered questions and difficult decisions when it comes to dentistry.

Andrew Rollo, DVM


I like to vaccinate pets

Preventing disease is a primary goal for general-practice veterinarians. It's time to better explain why they're important to pet owners, to make it easy as possible on pets and to help clients understand that vaccination is not as bad as they thinksay, with low-volume vaccines?

Audrey K. Cook, BVM&S, Msc Vet Ed, DACVIM, DECVIM, DABVP (Feline)


Help cats with hyperaldosteronism hold their heads high

What you need to know when it comes to recognizing, diagnosing and managing this endocrine disease in cats.

Carl A. Osborne, DVM, PhD, DACVIM


The ins and outs of polyuria and polydipsia in veterinary practice

There are many terms used to describe abnormalities in urine production. Here we set out to provide a concise reference for the most common ones veterinarians encounter.

John Lofflin


One more fright, one less heartbeat

This cardiologist wants to prove that the intense effects of the fight-or-flight "sympathetic storm" in pets from scary veterinary visits can wear out their hearts before their time.

Fritz Wood, CPA, CFP


Canine Cushing's Case Files: The ins and outs of detection and treatment-The economics of managing hyperadrenocorticism in dogs (Sponsored by Dechra Veterinary Products)

An underestimated financial benefit exists for any practice that produces satisfied clients who have pets with well-controlled diseases that live longer lives.

Sarah A. Moser


Minimalist design, maximum effect

Clean lines and comfortable spaces help clients, pets, and staff members relax at this upscale New York hospital.

Alice M. Jeromin, RPh, DVM, DACVD


Veterinary supplements: The uncertainty of the add-ons?

Help clients navigate the murky information about supplements and keep their pets feeling their best.

Anthony P. Carr, Dr. med. vet., DACVIM


New studies in veterinary internal medicine: Endocrinology

Investigating the best way to monitor dogs with hyperadrenocorticism and whether fructosamine concentrations can be used to monitor glycemic control in diabetic patients.

Margaret V. Root Kustritz, DVM, PhD, DACT


Canine brucellosis (Proceedings)

Brucella canis is a non-motile, Gram negative coccobacillus with a host range limited to domestic and wild canids. Stray dog populations may act as a reservoir. There is a higher reported prevalence in purebred animals but few studies have attempted to compare populations of owned and stray dogs.

Christopher L. Mariani, DVM, PhD, DACVIM


Stroke: CNS vascular diseases (Proceedings)

The brain is an extremely well vascularized organ and is supplied by approximately 15-20% of the total blood flow of the body. This high requirement for blood is necessitated by the brain's high metabolic activity and corresponding need for oxygen and glucose to fuel this activity.

Liz Hardesty, DVM


Female veterinarian: "Clients could hear the insecurity in my voice"

When I heard that one of my clients thought she could talk me out of anything, I knew I must have seen that pet owner during my first two years of practice.

Brian L. Speer, DVM, DABVP (avian practice), DECAMS


Stabilizing companion birds in an emergency

Avian medicine in the United States and abroad tends to be more focused on crisis and intervention than on preventive care and wellness. Therefore, in this article I discuss some of the basic considerations of emergency medical care in pet birds.

Melinda D. Merck, DVM


The Veterinary Medicine Interview: Dr. Melinda D. Merck

This high-profile forensic veterinarian investigates animal cruelty cases, which no one wants to see. But she says she finds the work satisfying because "I am giving the animal a voice."

Giselle Hosgood, DVM, BVSc, MS, PhD, FACVSc, DACVS


Surgery STAT: Using active drains in wound management

The use of active drains enhances the efficiency and minimizes the morbidity of wound drainage. Their use is indicated for removal of pre-existing fluid, ablation of dead space and prevention of anticipated fluid accumulation.

Laurie Hess, DVM, DABVP (Avian Practice)


Assessing the risk of avian influenza

The current status of disease outbreak, concerns about transmission, and how veterinary professionals can help keep patients, clients, and staff safe

Cynthia Wutchiett, CPA


An accountable accountant

My partner and I are opening a hospital and we're concerned about our accounting structure. Is a local accountant with a good reputation adequate, or should we find someone who specializes in veterinary medicine? What kind of costs can we expect?

Lorelei Tibbetts, LVT, VTS


The exotic pet technician's role: Why specializing matters

Here's a glimpse into the job of a veterinary technician who specializes in exotic companion animals.

Beth Wallukait


A picture's worth a thousand words

A white, sparkling smile is in, and that goes for pets, too. So when clients opt for dental care, show them what they paid for, says Beth Wallukait, a receptionist at Bryan Animal Hospital in Des Moines, Iowa.

Kurt A. Grimm, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVA, DACVCP


Arterial blood gas analysis and interpretation in anesthetized patients

An introduction to the principles of clinical blood gas analysis and interpretation--including two case examples.

John Schumacher, DVM, DACVIM


Lameness of the hind limbs caused by proximal suspensory desmitis (Proceedings)

Inflammation of the proximal aspect of the interosseus medius muscle, or suspensory ligament (i.e., proximal suspensory desmitis, PSD) of the hind limb, is a common cause of acute or chronic lameness of horses and is most commonly diagnosed in competition horses 4 to 10 years old.

Linda Marie Wetzel


Severe periodontal disease: Take a moment to lift the lip

Dr. Colin Harvey speaks about treatment of severe periodontal disease and shared his insights about dealing with the special needs of afflicted animals.

Barry Kipperman, DVM, DACVIM


The ethics of enrichment

Keeping pets pain and fear to a minimum is greatbut its not enough for a good quality of life. Animals need an environment in which they can thrive and be happy. And veterinarians are obligated to help make this happen.

James W. Randolph, DVM


Use this simple trick to stop missed charges at your veterinary hospital

This veterinary practice sets an eye-catching number as the default dollar amount for procedure codes, rather than zero.

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