
Jane Larson


Gaining disciplinary authority

I'm a manager, but the doctor won't give me the authority to discipline employees when necessary. What do I do?

Michelle Miller, BS, CVT


The long walk to goodbye

Whether I'm helping pets heal or helping their owners say goodbye, my job in veterinary oncology brings special patients and their families into my life who remind me why I love pets-and my work.

Dennis DeNicola, DVM, PhD, DAVCP


The importance of a five-part differential leukocyte count

Advancements in hematology have aided veterinarians greatly. Today's equipment for inclinic hematology analysis can provide accurate white blood cell (WBC) counts and partial or complete differential leukocyte counts. When considering leukocyte differentials, practitioners may ask whether a five-part differential is necessary. In a word, yes. To interpret leukocyte changes in a patient accurately, practitioners must obtain a WBC count and a complete fivepart differential. They should also obtain a peripheral blood film to assess the leukocytes for any morphologic changes. In some cases, practitioners may need to do serial complete blood counts (CBCs) to understand the changes in the different leukocyte forms during various disease states.

Ernest E. Ward Jr., DVM


Stay wild (about veterinary medicine)

Dr. Ernie Ward shares his thoughts on how to achieve happiness and success and reveals how he can still be crazy about veterinary medicine after all these years.



What's wrong with that foot? (Proceedings)

The etiology of this unusual condition in cats is not known.It probably falls into the category of other lymphoproliferative disorders of cats.

Kathryn M. Meurs, DVM, PhD, DACVIM


Radiography, echocardiography, and electrocardiography (Proceedings)

In this session we will review thoracic radiology and echocardiography with an emphasis on normal and abnormal anatomic features.

Ilona Rodan, DVM, DABVP (feline practice)


Back in the proper place: How to solve feline house soiling

Cats want to do the right thing when it comes to the litter box, but sometimes disease or their environment overrides the instinct. Here's how to help.

Meredyth Jones, DVM, MS, DACVIM


Case-based workups of sheep & goats (Proceedings)

Please note: this calendar is only designed to serve as an aid in designing a herd/flock health program. Adjustments should be made according to specific animals health needs, production goals and climate.

Anna Firshman, BVSc, PhD, CERP, DACVIM


Underwater treadmill exercise in horses (Proceedings)

The use of underwater treadmill exercise for training and rehabilitation of horses has become increasingly popular in recent years. Many claims are made as to the usefulness of this form of exercise in horses; although relatively little published information is available to substantiate these assertions. In humans, underwater treadmill therapy has long been recognized for benefits in rehabilitation.

Jennifer Au, DVM, DACVS, CCRT


Managing orthopedic infections (Proceedings)

Orthopedic infections should also be thought of as infections involving the bones (osteitis or osteomyelitis), joints and surrounding support structures (periostitis, myelitis, cellulitis). Typically when we think of orthopedic infections we think of infections resulting after orthopedic surgery.

Radford Davis, DVM, MPH


Emerging zoonoses and DVMs: Knowledge for everyday

Dr. Radford Davis explains why veterinarians need to take the lead in talking to their clients about the potential risks of disease transmission from pets to clients and why prevention is so important.

Stacie Knapp, CVT


The most rewarding job

One technician found volunteer work was a perfect solution to renew her love for the profession.

Steve Dale, CABC


Human behavior can help prevent dog bites

The upcoming Dog Bite Prevention Week is an opportunity to promote awareness about lowering the risk

Charlotte Lacroix, DVM, JD


ACVC 2019: 3 veterinary contract questions you should answer before signing

Dr. Charlotte Lacroix explains why you shouldn't be so hasty to sign a veterinary employment contract.

Seth Wallack, DVM, DACVR


Reading radiographs like a crime scene investigator (Proceedings)

Reading radiographs and crime scene investigation require similar skills. Both require identifying a victim, crime, considering the most likely suspects, looking for clues and then building your case or "telling the story". Sticking to these principles will result in a higher conviction rate.



Veterinarians are not obligated to perform euthanasia

A practice owner who decided to refer all clients to Lap of Love finds that doing so has benefits for both his clients and his practice.

Tom Noffsinger, DVM


Low-stress cattle handling: An overlooked dimension of management (Proceedings)

For those of us who are tolerating bawling calves for four or five days in a row, tolerating buller rates of over a half a percent, please listen and see if some of these things might be helpful.

Susan Ruiz Patton


The new meaning of healthcare reform

National Report - While sweeping healthcare reform legislation passed Congress, it will take until 2014 to create the infrastructure needed to support small business, experts say.

Lisa Derby Oden, MS


Creating a business plan (Sponsored by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health)

The reason business owners create a business plan is the same reason why horse owners keep up with annual exams. Giving a horse vaccinations ma reduce the risk of disease and death. As an equine entrepreneur, consider these five core areas when creating a business plan: teamwork, concept, customers, cash, and purchasing.

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