
Mike Pownall, DVM


Becoming a veterinary leader

Break lazy management habits by identifying how you've grown complacent-it's uncomfortable, but necessary.

Vicki L. Campbell, DVM, DACVA, DACVECC


Approach to hypotensive patients (Proceedings)

In order to understand and approach hypotensive patients, one must first understand blood pressure. Although not a true measure of perfusion, blood pressure is one of the most non-invasive means the veterinary field has of measuring whether or not the tissues are getting enough blood and ultimately enough oxygen.

David Ruslander, DVM, DACVIM, DACVR


Multimodality approach to soft tissue sarcomas in dogs and cats (Proceedings)

Soft tissue sarcomas comprise 7% and 15% of all skin and subcutaneous tumors in cats and dogs, respectively. The annual incidence of soft tissue sarcomas in companion animals is approximately 17 per 100,000 cats and 35 per 100,000 dogs.

Carolyn McKune, DVM, DACVA


Alpha-2 agonists and analgesia (Proceedings)

In the veterinary profession, ?-2 adrenergic receptor agonists (?-2 agonists) are either loved or feared; this is often determined by a veterinarian's familiarity with the drug. There is no doubt that ?-2 agonists have complex effects, but understanding ?-2 agonists increase options for analgesic use, as well as sedation.

Sonya Gordon, DVM, DVSc, DACVIM


How owners can help monitor heart disease in their pets

Tell owners to be on the lookout for this early indicator of worsening disease.

Laurie Hess, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (Avian)


Q&A: Im ready to work on exotic pets! Where do I start?

Dip your toe in exotics with these first steps for veterinarians ready to delve into caring for pets that are less commonbut no less lovable.

Lynsey Smith, DVM, DACVO


The dos and don'ts of treating ocular disease in cats (Proceedings)

Apocrine sweat gland tumors in the glands of moll. Single or multiple, dark color, benign, resemble human apocrine hidrocystomas.

Lawrence M. Fox, DVM, DABVP (canine and feline practice)


Idea Exchange: Perineal hernia repair: A new approach

This alternative method for repairing a common condition in male dogs offers advantages for both the patient and the surgeon.

Ann P. McClenaghan, BS, CVT


An introduction to the concept of veterinary hospice care (Proceedings)

Mention the word hospice and the term alone evokes varying degrees of emotion in people. If this is a service that you have had the opportunity to be involved with personally it can stir up some powerful emotions of loss. And, depending on the circumstances, it can either conjure up peaceful and grateful feelings or a negative and adverse reaction.

Joan Freesh, MS, DVM


Think veterinarians can't negotiate? Think again

If you're sick of paying more and getting less, its time to put your fear aside and ask for what you want.

Stephen Jones, DVM


Heartworm disease: What lies beneath

Dr. Stephen Jones takes us on a pictorial journey of the gross effects of heartworm infections in veterinary patients.

Peter D. Constable, BVSc (Hon), MS, PhD, DACVIM, DACVN (Hon)


Left displaced abomasum: surgical and medical advances (Proceedings)

Left displaced abomasum (LDA) is a common gastrointestinal disorder of lactating dairy cattle. Left displaced abomasum, right displaced abomasum (RDA), and abomasal volvulus (AV) are common abdominal diseases of lactating dairy cows characterized by varying degrees of abomasal distension and displacement.

Robert J. MacKay, DVM, PhD, DACVIM


The neurologic examination: peripheral nerves and miscellany (Proceedings)

Mechanical injuries to peripheral nerves occur because of compression, entrapment, transection, laceration, ischemia, crushing, stretching, or chemical or burn damage. Neurapractic lesions are characterized by a failure of conduction of the action potential across the injured axonal segment.

Allison Stewart, BVSc (hons), MS, DACVIM-LAIM, DACVECC


Equine neonatal sepsis: causes, consequences, diagnosis (Proceedings)

Bacterial septicemia is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in equine neonates. Survival rates reported over the last 5 years in retrospective studies of septicemic foals are highly variable, ranging between 40 and 70%, and comparisons among studies are difficult because of differences in case definition.

Brad White, DVM, MS


Update on preconditioning (Proceedings)

Beef production is shifting toward a consumer focus and new areas are achieving more attention including: individual animal identification, value-based marketing, food safety, as well as source, process, and age verification.

Christopher Adin, DVM, DACVS


How to perform a feline perineal urethrostomy

A step-by-step surgical guide, tips to optimize results, and revision techniques, just in case.

Philip Padrid, DVM


Diagnosing and treating feline asthma (including the use of inhalants) (Proceedings)

Asthma in human beings is a chronic inflammatory disease within the lower airways (bronchi and bronchioles) that causes cough, wheeze and exercise intolerance. These clinical signs are the result of a decrease in airflow through airways that are narrowed from excessive mucus secrection, airway wall edema and bronchoconstriction.

Adam Birkenheuer, DVM, PhD, DACVIM


Audio: The rarity of zebras in your lab work

Dr. Adam Birkenheuer explains the relevance of Occam's razor when looking through your laboratory test results.From the CVC in San Diego, veterinary internist Dr. Adam Birkenheuer explains the relevance of Occam's razor when looking through your laboratory test results. 

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