The dvm360® parasitology page is a comprehensive resource for clinical news and insights on the latest in veterinary parasitology. This page consists of videos, interviews, articles, podcasts, and research on the advancements and developments of therapies for parasitology, and more.
November 18th 2024
Richard Gerhold, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVM (Parasitology), shared approaches to management of mites
November 13th 2024
Controlling internal parasites in cattle (Proceedings)
August 1st 2010Although we have known the importance of internal parasites in cattle for many years, we still face an endless battle to control these organisms. Parasites are the ultimate "survivor". Parasites realize that their survival is dependent on not killing their host. As a result, they have adapted as their hosts (cattle) are exposed to different management practices (including parasiticide products and pasture management practices).
The zen of cats: Maximizing the feline portion of your practice (Proceedings)
August 1st 2010The premise of this presentation is that feline medicine is good business. The keys to tapping into this market are several: understanding the significance of the feline market in your practice today and its future potential, understanding the psyche of the feline client and recognizing the different psychographic profile of cat vs. dog owners, using preventative medicine, specifically feline total parasite control, as a tool to practice better feline medicine, and, ultimately, realizing an increased feline average per client charge by practicing a higher quality feline medicine.
Coughing cats: Asthma or heartworm? (Proceedings)
August 1st 2010The cat is considered a resistant, yet susceptible host for Dirofilaria immitis. Worm burdens are much lower in cats than in dogs (average 15 worms in dogs and 1-3 in cats in endemic areas) and about 1/3 of feline infections involve worms of the same sex. Feline heartworm (HW) was first described in the 1920s; awareness has increased greatly since the introduction of Heartgard for cats in 1997 and the associated marketing campaign. Feline HW remains a difficult to diagnose, yet fully preventable disease.
Banfield releases new data on parasite trends
July 1st 2010Portland, Ore. - New surveillance data compiled by experts at Banfield, The Pet Hospital reveal prevalence trends for internal and external parasite infections and hammer home the need for veterinarians to remain vigilant about promoting preventive care to clients.
CAPC statement addresses reports of resistance to heartworm preventives in south-central region
May 24th 2010National Report. -- The Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) issued a statement to address reports in the south-central region about increasing problems with resistance to macrocyclic lactones to prevent heartworm disease.
Disney honors parasitologist with $20,000 gift to University of Florida
May 2nd 2010Gainesville, Fla. -- Disney awarded a $20,000 gift to the University of Florida (UF) veterinary college's Continuing Education Fund in honor of UF Professor Ellis Greiner, a parasitologist who helped establish a partnership between UF and Disney's Animal Kingdom 10 years ago.