Publically revered, professionally taxed
February 1st 2007Chicago - Veterinarians are still beloved and clients remain willing to pay high fees despite growing public expectations and prices rising faster than inflation. Yet practitioners, wary of practice ownership, aren't eager to put in a lot of hours, a trend that's straining the U.S. supply of DVMs.
Discrimination charges plague organization
February 1st 2007Vancouver, British Columbia - Teetering on financial ruin, the British Columbia Veterinary Medical Association (BCVMA) faces roughly 50 lawsuits carrying millions of dollars in punitive damages if veterinarians from India prove Canadian regulators guilty of discrimination.
Colorado Blizzards take heavy toll
February 1st 2007Colorado - Not yet able to fully assess the level of damage inflicted to southeastern Colorado's cattle population, officials hope for the best but fear the worst after back-to-back blizzards dumped enough snow and ice to bury pastures and trap livestock among snowdrifts more than 10 feet high.
FDA approves new topical targeting fleas, heartworm disease and intestinal parasites
January 31st 2007SHAWNEE MISSION, KAN. - 1/31/2007 - Bayer Healthcare LLC recently received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for a new topical product targeting fleas, heartworms and intestinal nemotodes for both dogs and cats. Bayer officials report the approval and subsequent launch signal an important development for broad-spectrum parasite control. Advantage Multi-TM for Dogs Topical Solution and Advantage Multi-TM for Cats Topical Solution are available by prescription only through licensed veterinarians.
Study Uncovers a Lethal Secret of 1918 Influenza Virus
January 25th 2007MADISON, WI - 1/25/07 - In a study of nonhuman primates infected with the influenza virus that killed 50 million people in 1918, an international team of scientists found a critical clue to how the virus killed so quickly and efficiently.
California Beef Cattle Industry to Work with UC Davis to Eradicate Costly Disease
January 23rd 2007SACRAMENTO, CA - 1/23/07 - At its 90th annual convention, the California Cattlemen's Association (CCA) Livestock Memorial Research Fund (LMRF) approved a contribution of $50,000 to the University of California, Davis to fund the development of a promising foothill abortion vaccine in cattle.
Emeritus Veterinary Faculty Member Receives Prestigious Honor
January 19th 2007Stillwater, OK - 1/19/07 - One of Oklahoma State University Center for Veterinary Health Sciences' graduates and emeritus faculty, Dr. Roger Panciera, was inducted as a Distinguished Member of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP) at the 57th Annual American College of Veterinary Pathologists meeting in Tucson, AZ.
Two-Day Clinic Spays and Neuters Nearly 250 KC Dogs and Cats
January 18th 2007Columbia, MO - 1/18/07 - Faculty and staff of the University of Missouri Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital joined two Kansas City non-profit organizations, Spay and Neuter Kansas City and No More Homeless Pets KC, to conduct a two-day clinic in December that spayed and neutered nearly 250 cats and dogs.
Lecture Series Unites UGA expertise in Sciences and Security
January 17th 2007Athens, GA - 1/17/07 - The Biomedical and Health Sciences Institute (BHSI) and Center for International Trade and Security (CITS) are working to forge links between science and policy experts through a new lecture series at the University of Georgia.
'Buckyballs' Penetrate Deeper, Faster When Skin is Flexed
January 12th 2007Raleigh, NC - 1/12/07 - Researchers at North Carolina State University have discovered that repetitive flexing movements increase the speed and depth at which tiny particles are absorbed through the skin, a finding that could have major implications in medical, consumer and industrial fields.