Till the last good day: 3 pillars of palliative care
July 13th 2017Every dying pet deserves a plan. Consider these inspiring case studies and tips for to illustrate the power you have in veterinary medicine to help pets live longerwith a better quality of lifefor days, week or months on their path to a peaceful death.
50 shades of gray: New data on digital radiography systems
July 9th 2017How much do you love your digital radiography system? Is it an obsession or just a fling? We asked survey-takers to share the opinions on what digital radiography does for their productivity in practice and what itll look like in the future.
The positive power of negativity
July 7th 2017People with an internal "locus of control"who believe that they have control over their destinies and that their actions matterare happier and healthier. But making changes in your life isn't as easy for everybody, and we need to acknowledge that more than we do.