Here's a complete list of flea related questions that you should be prepared to answer to help your veterinary get a complete picture of your flea control needs.
The more information you give your veterinarian the better armed he or she is to help you keep fleas off your pet and out of your home. Here's a complete list of flea related questions that you should be prepared to answer to help your veterinarian get a complete picture of your flea control needs.
1. What flea control products are you using now? (You make want to make a list of all products for each of your pets.)
2. For all pets, when was the last dose administered?
3. For all pets, how many applications have you used and when were they applied?
4. When did you notice fleas?
5. Are fleas a problem on all your pets?
6. Is this a recurring problem?
7. How many and what other types of pets live in your household? (If you have pets besides cats and dogs be sure to list them, too, including rabbits, ferrets, or hedgehogs.)
8. How many hours a day does the pet spend outdoors? Where does it go—the backyard, shared courtyard, sidewalk or dog parks?
9. Do other pets visit your household, or does your pet visit another home?
10. Where does your pet sleep or rest? (That's where the most flea eggs will be hiding.)
11. Do you have an elevated porch, a crawlspace, or another structure under which your pet, stray animals, or wildlife might get access?
12. Are any people bitten by fleas in the home? If so, where do you see fleas?
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Fighting fleas? Answer these 12 questions and arm your veterinarian to help you win the war against these parasites. LINK