Be real about pet insurance


Clients need to consider financial options-including pet insurance-to safeguard their pets' health.

Your clients may find it difficult to imagine anything ever happening to their pets. But you know they need to consider financial options, including pet insurance, to safeguard their pets' health. This is a conversation where you may feel tuned out from the start. Brian Conrad, CVPM, the practice manager at Meadow Hills Veterinary Center in Kennewick, Wash., offers this advice.

Clients may feel overwhelmed by all of the information they need to learn at each practice visit, especially if they're visiting with a new pet. "Try to offer the message in increments, whether it's an e-mail, text message, or another approach," Conrad says. "For example, you might write an e-mail that says, 'As you're celebrating six months with your pet, it's time to think about pet insurance.'"

Then keep it real. Conrad recommends skipping a sales pitch in favor of some straight talk. This means discussing both the pros and cons. "You may pay for pet insurance that you never need to use," Conrad tells clients. "But if something does happen, we want to make sure that finances don't get in the way of offering care."

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