Better communication = better client bonding & better communication = better medicine (Proceedings)


Time and time again veterinarians rate high in the most trusted professions. People trust us!

Who do you purchase things from?

How do you choose your doctor?

What is the most valuable trait in your spouse?


Time and time again veterinarians rate high in the most trusted professions. People trust us!

The same goes for our clients. They choose your practice based on trust. If they don't trust us they are less likely to:

     1. Be compliant to our recommendations

     2. Remain loyal to our practice

     3. Trust our team members – they will become DVM needy

     4. They will not speak highly on our behalf increasing our personal referrals

     5. Clients will tell bad stories more then they will tell good ones!

How do we gain & keep the trust of our clients?

     1. Communication

          a. 4 types

               i. Verbal

               ii. Non-Verbal

               iii. Written

               iv. Visual

          b. Using open ended questions and statements

               i. No "do ya wannas"

          c. Effective listening

          d. Empathy


     2. Bonding with clients

          a. Creating those memorable moments

               i. Client education (verbal and materials)

               ii. Fun certificates

               iii. Dental photos

               iv. Angel Pins, Donations, Flowers, Cards, Rainbows Bridge

               v. Bandanas

               vi. Stuffed animals

               vii. Comfort Calls

               viii. Fund raisers

                    A. Santa Paws

                    B. Chip and Dip


     3. Loyalty

          a. When a client is bonded they are loyal

          b. Loyalty means they will return

          c. Loyalty means they will accept mistakes if handled properly

          d. Loyalty means they will tell their friends

          e. Loss of bonding and loyalty due to technology

               i. Smiling faces replaced by kiosks

               ii. Friendly greetings replaced by automated telephone systems

          f. More important in today's economy

          g. K-N-O-W


     4. Speaking in one voice – How many voices are speaking in your practice?

          a. Team members understanding of policies and protocols

          b. Same answer, every time, every team member


     5. Team training & having the right team in place

          a. Regular team meetings

          b. Regular CE

          c. Hire the 10's

          d. Don't be afraid to get rid of the 5's


     6. Do what you say you are going to do

          a. Telephone messages and return calls

          b. Treatment plans

          c. Email

          d. Systems in place to catch mistakes

               i. Example – outside labs


     7. Don't assume – or judge clients

          a. Set standards of care and stick to them

          b. Create a treatment plan and have options

          c. Be confident in your plan with reasons why you are doing what you do and consequences if the plan is not followed


     8. Be above average!

          a. Have you had a memorable oil change?


     9. Old saying, "You can't expect what you don't inspect."

          a. Mystery shopper

          b. Surveys

               i. New clients

               ii. Existing clients

               iii. Exiting clients

          c. Follow up calls

          d. New client calls


     10. What is WOW service?

          a. Anticipate the needs of your clients and then deliver those needs before they ask!

               i. Clients won't ask what they don't know exists

          b. Simple tasks

               ii. Carry out food

               iii. Delivery if mistakes or missing inventory

          c. Coffee or water

          d. Call backs


     11. Curb appeal – inside and out!

          a. Outside

               i. Dead flowers?

               ii. Trash in parking lot?

               iii. Poop

               iv. Poor lighting

               v. Old sign

               vi. Paint chips

               vii. Sticky door handle

               viii. Snow covered

               ix. Windows

          b. Inside

               i. Odor

               ii. Brochures

               iii. Magazines

                    A. Pet related ones that tell clients don't go to the veterinarian

               iv. Hair balls

               v. Staff appearance

                    A. Clean scrubs

                    B. Professional attire

                    C. Name tags

               vi. Media


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