Taking the BizQuiz? This is the answer to question 6 from "Are you an underearner?"
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6) A—Serious underearner.
Underearners are afraid to ask for help. Underearners suffer in silence. They don’t want others to know they feel underappreciated and overwhelmed, and they don’t know what to do to resolve those feelings.
Solution: Undervaluing yourself is a compounding problem. The longer you let thoughts of unworthiness guide you, the less likely you are to change. If you think that just maybe you’re an underearner, ask for help sooner rather than later. Talk to a colleague who’s doing well (not another underearner), look at industry benchmarks and other financial resources, or call a consultant. You’ll never recover lost revenue from years of avoiding the issue, but you can realize improvements. And the effects of the change start compounding on the first day you implement new behaviors.