FDA sets more stringent mad cow rules


WASHINGTON - 10/13/2005 - The Bush administration proposed eliminating all cow brains and spinal cords from animal feeds in an effort to further reduce risks for cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the United States.

WASHINGTON - 10/13/2005 - The Bush administration proposed eliminating all cow brains and spinal cords from animal feeds in an effort to further reduce risks for cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the United States.

The new proposal from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) "will make an already small risk even smaller," acting FDA Commissioner Andrew von Eschenbach says in a press release.

The new proposal would reduce the risk of infection by 90 percent, according to Stephen F. Sundlof, director of the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine. The rules should take effect sometime next year following a public comment period, he adds.

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