Flaunt your veterinary pharmacy


Give your clients a reason to fill their pet's prescription with you-and keep the revenue in your practice to boot.

Today’s culture lives for quick and easy solutions—and your clients are certainly part of that convenience-loving crowd. If they can get most of the same medications from another more convenient and possibly cheaper source, why should they come to you?

Prove your value and convince your clients to skip other outlets for their pharmacy needs with these talking points.

> Knowledge of the right medications and dosagesNot all medication is safe for use in all animals, and a veterinarian is best qualified to prescribe the appropriate drugs at the proper dosage.

> Handling of medications Medications obtained by veterinarians have been shipped and stored according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

> Transcription errors Misinterpretations of abbreviations commonly used in veterinary medicine, but not in human medicine, can lead to prescription errors.

> Safety issues Some medications should only be given to pets that don’t have active infections. A veterinary hospital is equipped to screen a patient with a simple blood test.

> Monitoring the pet Some treatment regimens require routine monitoring and subsequent adjustments to drug dosages. Plus, at your hospital, you can answer questions, give instructions, and demonstrate to clients how to give their pet the medication.

Preventing prescription errors is a team effort when you give pet owners the tools they need. Head over to dvm360.com/prescriptions to download a client handout on medication mistakes to avoid.

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