A survey indicates large gaps in clients' knowledge of this deadly disease.
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Even though 82 percent of cat owners understand that feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a threat to their pets, only 61 percent have vaccinated their cats against this disease, according to a survey conducted by WMS Marketing Services for Merial. In fact, almost one-third of cat owners surveyed did not know that an FeLV vaccine existed.
The survey revealed important misunderstandings that cat owners have about FeLV as well. A little over half of survey respondents thought FeLV was curable and that social grooming didn’t spread the disease.
You know that FeLV is incurable and is easily transmitted to fellow felines through saliva and urine. But how informed are your clients? Do they know the facts about this deadly disease? Do they understand the importance of vaccination? If you're not sure, consider a client education campaign.