Sometimes we try to "pack" so much in that we make the message fuzzy.
One Message
Sometimes we try to "pack" so much in that we make the message fuzzy. Stick to one idea/one thought. Know what you want and create a message that says that.
Identify Fully
Make sure your FULL name, phone number and website are clearly visible
Consistent Graphics
Whether it is font style, coloring or other make sure that it is repeated- that is why logos can be so powerful.
Easy Copy
State your message immediately. Make sure you balance copy with white space. Read your message aloud- it is easy to remember and repeat? Does your message get across?
Focus on Benefits
Remember the client is the consumer- speak to them using words that tell them how they will benefit. It's all about THEM and their perceived reality!
Ask your Clients
This simple question is rarely asked but can yield results- this can be done at the end of every appointment or simply put a sign by the front desk. All you need to do is "track" the responses.
Direct Response
If a call to action is included you can measure the response- whether it is scheduling appointments or calling for more information.
Better Compliance
Basically are things now an easier "sell"... do clients not ask as many questions or more importantly ask for a service outright.
Individual ROI for effort
This is especially important as you need to know if the $'s you spent are paying off- remember for some marketing which is essential "image building"- this is hard to quantify. The best way is to compare based on when the marketing was done to weeks where it didn't occur. So for example- let's say that you sent out a quarterly newsletter- you should compare sales or calls for the week or two after the newsletter to sales/calls from the previous quarter or year. Remember these changes aren't necessarily dramatic- it might only be a small % difference. Then "test" the theory. Image building marketing- keeps you TOP of mind.
Ayling, Stuart 7 Ways to Evaluate Your Marketing Plan
Do you know the results of your Advertising? From U.S. Small Business Association