The phone shopper: your next potential "A" client & the phone shopper: turning the call into an appointment (Proceedings)


Trigger Questions are questions or statements that should occur as a trigger result of hearing something else. When dealing with clients, especially new clients, phone shoppers it is important to listen to what the client is telling you and then taking that information to deliver education (triggers) as well as to be alerted to questions (triggers) that you should ask.

Trigger Questions are questions or statements that should occur as a trigger result of hearing something else. When dealing with clients, especially new clients, phone shoppers it is important to listen to what the client is telling you and then taking that information to deliver education (triggers) as well as to be alerted to questions (triggers) that you should ask. This is a layout of trigger questions that should be asked and triggers that should be discussed after hearing something the client states.

Phone shopper = AKA potential client!

When a telephone shopper calls your practice they will normally state the reason for their call after the greeting. For example:

"Good morning. Thank you for calling ABC Animal Hospital. Donna speaking. How may I help you? I have a new puppy and I was wondering how much it costs to get her spayed." I have underlined the information that should be a trigger to the receptionist. So what triggers should go off to the receptionist after hearing just this phrase?

     1. New = tell the call congratulations.

     2. Find out if this caller is a client.

          a. If so you have some information in your system.

          b. If not I need to ask client's name and use it.

     3. New puppy – means I need to ask them about the puppy (name, age, sex, and breed.)

          a. Based on age I need to find out about the vaccination history and educate the caller about the vaccination series.

          b. Based on the sex I know if I should call it a boy or a girl and if I should give an estimate for an OHE or castration.

          c. Breed = some nice comment about that breed.

          d. Discuss heartworm disease and preventions

          e. Discuss flea/tick preventions (based on location)

          f. Discuss intestinal parasite screening.

     4. Costs – caller wants costs so be sure to use the facts gathered to make an accurate estimate.

This is an example of how 4 words can help the client service specialist direct the call and make it effective and memorable.


The first part of the call is the greeting and this must be complete. "Good morning. Thank you for calling ABC Animal Hospital. This is Donna. How may I help you?"

     1. Any time the caller – new, phone shopper or current client says the word "new" that should immediate trigger the word CONGRATULATIONS from your client service team.

     2. Have we seen any of your pets here before?

          a. Are you a client of ABC animal hospital?

               i. You ask this because if they have been then you will have much of the information you need in your system. One would think the caller would tell you they are currently clients but they may not.

     3. What is your name?

          b. Then use their name during the call. Ok Mrs. Bauman let me ask you a few questions so that I can get you the information you need. Tell them you are asking them questions and why you are asking.

     4. What kind of dog/cat/puppy/kitten do you have?

          c. Comment – Aww they are so cute or something complimentary about the breed.

          d. This question also gives you some information you need to be able to give them appropriate information and pricing. For example the price of a heartworm preventative for a Great Dane will not be the same as it is for a Chihuahua.


     1. What is the pet's name?

          a. Now use the name throughout the remainder of the conversation!

               i. This bonds the caller to your practice and makes the call more personal and less phone shop like! You want the caller to remember your call, conversation and practice.

     2. How old is "Fluffy"?

          b. You need to know this to be able to determine services. Is the pet old enough for vaccines or a spay/neuter? Where in the vaccine series should this pet be based on age? Is it a senior pet? Is it old enough to receive a rabies vaccine? Could it be time for a dental cleaning? Is this an older female pet meaning she could be in heat at the time of her spay. Do you spay pets in heat? Does it cost more? What are the risks of doing a spay while a dog is in heat?


     1. Is Fluffy a boy or a girl?

          a. You would be amazed at how many calls I make where I ask about getting a pet "fixed" (clients use this term a lot) and I get the whole call based on a spay or neuter but I am NEVER asked the sex of my pet. You cannot quote a surgery without knowing if it is a boy or a girl. Prices and procedures are not the same so you need to know.

     2. Has Fluffy been to the veterinarian in the past 12 months?

          b. This is a good way to ask this question. Normally what is asked is "Is Fluffy current on her vaccines?" Sadly, clients don't know. Fluffy could have had 1 vaccine at 8 weeks old and is now 2 years old and they will say "Yes she is" because she had that 1 vaccine at 8 weeks old. Since there is some vaccine that is due every 12 months in most cases, asking it this way tells you if the pet has been to a doctor within the past year and that will allow you to give them an accurate estimate and/or education on the services that are due. This also removes some of the bait and switch feeling that can occur if the caller tells you their pet is up to date and you say ok and give the quote without the cost of vaccines but then they come in and vaccines are due and you add another $100 to the price that you told them on the phone. That never goes over big and causes a loss of trust.


Other triggers

** Other things that should be triggered in your staff's mind when talking. These are other things that the client service team member should think of when they hear the client say something specific.

New Puppy/dog/kitten or cat to the practice.

Based on the age and history, some things will need to be adjusted but hearing dog should spark these topics. Practices also need to adjust these things based on their own locations and recommendations.


     2. Explain vaccination series.

          a. Why it is done – to booster immunity as mom's immunity wears off.

          b. When it is done – Every 3-4 weeks until puppy is 16 weeks of age at which point the rabies vaccine is given.

               i. The first rabies vaccine is good for 1 year then after that the pet will receive a 3 year rabies vaccine.

          c. What is done – Distemper booster to protect against 5 diseases including distemper,

          d. When is the rabies vaccine given and how long is it good for?

               i. Explain registration as it relates to your area.

               ii. When they come in for the rabies vaccine, give them the form to license their pet if you have access to that. What a great above and beyond for clients.

          e. Share the value – For example - "Each booster appointment will include a physical exam by the veterinarian and a time to ask the doctor questions about your new puppy."


     3. Heartworm disease – things to discuss and tell the caller/client.

          a. What is the disease and how does it affect my dog?

          b. How do they get the disease?

          c. How can the disease can be prevented?

          d. Different types of monthly preventions and what they cover and how they are given.

               i. For example – Sentinel must be given with a meal to activate the flea prevention.

          e. How long do they give preventions? 6 months, 9 months, year round?

               i. Tell them this is for life! Use those words – FOR LIFE!

          f. When you will test the puppy for heartworm disease? Annually if older? After 1st birthday if a puppy? If it is an adult when will you recommend a test?

          g. Explain why you test if they are on prevention year round.

               i. Nothing is 100% effective.

               ii. Life cycle of heartworm – could be negative one year and positive the next.

               iii. Loss of guarantee from manufacturer without an annual test.

          h. Do you recommend heartworm prevention for cats?

               i. If so, tell the client about the disease and how it differs from canine heartworm disease.

               ii. Explain the use of feline heartworm prevention and your recommendations.

               i. Do you authorize clients to purchase medications from online pharmacies like Pet Med Express? If not have a narrative explaining why and tell them. I have a handout that I use for my clients that you may use if you would like.


     4. Intestinal parasite screening – fecal – poop!

          a. Why does the client need to test poop?

          b. What does the test check for?

          c. Why is it important to know about intestinal parasites?

          d. Can my family get them?

               i. Children and immunocompromised adults at greater risk.

          e. How often should a sample be tested?

               i. Are 2 negative samples in a row required for puppies and kittens? If so why? Due to the life cycle of parasites a single test may show negative but parasites may be discovered on the 2nd test.

          f. If you find parasites then what?

          g. If you "de-worm" as part of a package does it include de-worming for every type of parasite? If not make that clear. "At our puppy visit we will de-worm for roundworms which are the most common parasites in puppies and kittens. If we discover additional parasites that will require that we dispense different medication and that will be an additional cost. I am not able to tell you the cost of these medications because they are based on the type of parasite and the weight of the pet. We will be able to give you an estimate after we get the results of the fecal."


     5. Flea/Tick prevention

          a. Who needs it? What are your practice's recommendations?

               i. Outdoor pets

               ii. In contact with other pets

                    A. Boarding, day care, grooming, dog parks.

               iii. Indoor and outdoor pets.

          b. What products do you recommend and why?

          c. How often does the client give it to their pet?


     6. Feline leukemia

          a. Has the cat/kitten been tested?

               i. If the caller has a new kitten they should be told about this test 100% of the time. I feel strongly that it is our role as the veterinary professional to educate the pet owner about diseases that can impact their pets. If you don't educated them about this disease they could bring an infected cat in to a multi cat household. They could spend money, time and their hearts on a cat that could have a fatal disease. They could allow an infected cat to go outside and infect other cats.

               ii. New cat with unknown history – tell them about this test! Just because the cat is older they should be educated and given the choice to know. They cannot make an educated decision if you don't educate them first.

          b. Why should the cat/kitten be tested? (Shows value!)

               i. It is a fatal disease with no cure. Wouldn't you want to know this if this was your cat? What will the feeling be if you don't tell them and the cat turns out to have this disease? How are you going to answer "why didn't you tell me?"

          c. If it tests negative then what?

               i. Do you recommend vaccinating?

               ii. Do you recommend vaccinating indoor cats or only outdoor?

               iii. How often do you recommend vaccinating? Annually? Every 3 years?

          d. What if it tests positive?

               i. What does that mean for the cat?

               ii. What does that mean for the client?

          e. Does the caller have other cats in the home?

               i. How does the testing and disease relate to a multiple cat home?

               ii. Are the other cats in the home tested?

               iii. Are the other cats in the home vaccinated?

          f. How is this disease transmitted?


     7. Kennel cough

          a. ASK .....

          b. Will the dog go to training classes?

          c. Will the dog go to dog daycare?

          d. Will the dog be groomed?

          e. Will the dog go to a dog park?

               i. You need to ask and then educate the caller about the bordatella vaccine.

                    A. Why does their dog need it?

                    B. What is kennel cough? (similar to croup in a child)

                    C. What is the vaccine?

                    D. How is it given?

                    E. How often is it given?

     8. What else do you offer for new pets/puppies/kittens?

          a. Complimentary nail trim?

          b. Free food sample?

          c. Leash?

          d. Cardboard cat carrier?

          e. Training classes?

          f. What else? TELL THEM! It adds value.


     9. Surgeries

          a. Are there vaccination requirements for surgical procedures are hospital admitting?

               i. If so tell the client and educate them as to why you have the requirements.

               ii. Include the cost of the vaccines in the pricing you give them.

               iii. Don't surprise them with additional costs and services when they show up for the procedure.

          b. Do you offer a full physical examination prior to any anesthetic procedure? This adds valuable so tell the client. It also shows a high standard of care.

          c. Do you include IV catheter/fluids?

               i. Why do you do this?

               ii. What is the value for the pet? (and thus the owner)

                    A. To keep the pet hydrated during the procedure and to help flush the anesthesia out of the system. (explanation can be short and to the point)

               iii. Do you require or recommend pre-anesthetic lab testing?

                    A. Why?

                    B. What is the value to the pet?

                    C. What can be found as a result of this testing?

                    D. Have a standard narrative ready for "He is fine" "She looks fine" Explain that often times a pet looks and acts fine but that does not necessarily mean they are healthy. Diseases in their early stages may not show outward symptoms yet. Early detection is the key to treating diseases such as liver and kidney disease with diet and medication.

          d. Do you offer pain management?

               i. Why?

               ii. Value to the pet?

               iii. Will my pet be very painful?

          e. Do you monitor anesthetic patients with equipment such a breath beeper, heart monitor, pulse-ox, blood pressure? Anything that you use you need to explain to the client why you do it and what is the value to their pet because of what you are doing.

          f. What else do you offer in your surgical packages that can add value?

               i. Complimentary nail trim?

               ii. Complimentary medical progress examination /suture removal appointment?

               iii. Comfort call after the surgery?

               iv. Surgical admittance with the surgical technician to answer client's questions and discuss the day's events?

               v. Medical progress examination/suture removal appointment?


     10. Closing the call.

          a. Did I answer all of your questions? Don't assume you did – ask them if you did.

          b. Tell them about the web site and what they can find on the site?

               i. Put a new client coupon on the web site as a way to encourage them to visit the site and for staff to remember to mention it.

               ii. Offer to send a hospital brochure

               iii. Schedule an appointment using 2 yes questions – not "do ya wannas?"

          c. End by verifying appointment. "Dr. H & I look forward to meeting you and Fluffy next Tuesday at 1:00."


Remember there is no such thing as a price shopper or a phone shopper. Instead we need to change the way we think of them to reflect the fact that they are our next potential "A" client. They are pet owners who are seeking out information to ensure they provide the best care for their pet. If it is all about price then that is because you made it that way. Remember, if all you give them is the dollar figure then that is all they have to compare your practice against others. Make the call memorable, informative, friendly, caring and you will bond that client to your practice. Sure there will be the "D" client simply looking for the lowest dollar figure. That is part of life but with a perfect phone call maybe you can turn them around and if not that is ok. You did your best.


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