Todays veterinary clients just arent the sameand they want it all


Check out this data to learn how they make decisions, what they REALLY want and what theyre REALLY like.

In 2015,  the millennial generation surpassed boomers as the nation's largest living generation and overtook Gen-X as the largest percentage of the workforce, according to the Pew Research Center and U.S. Census Bureau data. If we assume these young professionals embrace pet ownership equally (and they may actually be more likely to own pets) you are-and will be-seeing a lot of them. Some quick facts:


Millennial pet owners seem more tuned in to cutting-edge healthcare for their pets. A recent study from Trone Brand Energy shows 52% of millennials indicated their pet receives routine veterinary dental or oral care (compared with 42% of boomers). And 63% of millennials say staying current on pet health topics is important (compared with 54% of boomers).

Busy, busy, busy

The Pew Research Center finds that about half (53%) of all working parents with children under age 18 say it's difficult for them to balance the responsibilities of their job with the responsibilities of their family. So they're always feeling rushed. (Bet you can relate, huh.)

Trust-who do ya?

Millennials are less likely to take your word as gospel. And it may take more effort to build a bond with them. A recent study conducted by Trone Brand Energy shows that 59% of millennials say their veterinarian takes the time to know them, compared with 64% of boomers.

Greedy for access

The millennial generation is used to having answers at their fingertips and communication channels wide open. Which seems to be changing their views about what “accessible” means. A recent study conducted by Trone Brand Energy shows that millennials are less likely to think their veterinarians are very accessible (47%) compared to boomers (78%).

Demanding of transparency

Today's pet owners also want to know where they can get a product besides from you. And where they can get a better price. And if you tell them, they trust you more. (And they believe that they'll buy more from you in the end.)

Information: They have it

You know everyone's an expert, right? As frustrating as it can sometimes be, people from every generation have more access to information, and they're using it. Sometimes to become better-educated pet owners. Sometimes to give you the opportunity to tell entertaining Dr. Google horror stories.

Sources: Trone Brand Energy 2013 Veterinarian Accessibility Study; Trone Brand Energy 2014 Pet & Wellness II Study, Pew Research Center report Raising Kids and Running a Household: How Working Parents Share the Load; U.S. Census Bureau

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