Don't be shy-show clients the value of your invaluable team.
How often are you faced with a win-win-win proposition? I've got one for you that won't cost you a dime, but will pay dividends beyond your wildest expectations.
All you need to do is make your technicians look like heroes in front of clients.
Here's how: Ask technicians for their opinions. Flip up an ear flap and take a whiff, then ask your tech for her take. "What do you think? Yeast?" Ask technicians whether they have questions to ask to help with the diagnosis. Brag about technicians in front of them and your clients: "I've never met anyone better at handling cats than Susan."
Doing so takes nothing away from your credibility as a medical professional (win!), helps clients understand your team approach to better care for patients (win!) and shows your technicians how much you value and listen to them (win!).
Dr. Marty Becker is a popular speaker and author of more than 22 top-selling books. He is the resident veterinarian on Good Morning America, a regular guest on The Dr. Oz Show and the lead veterinary contributor to Dr. Becker practices at North Idaho Animal Hospital in Sandpoint, Ida., and Lakewood Animal Hospital in Coeur d'Alene, Ida.