
Rudayna Ghubash, DVM, DACVD


Canine demodectic mange: A few treatment provisos

We asked veterinary dermatologist Dr. Rudayna Ghubash how to match the right treatment to the right patient.

Alice Villalobos, DVM


Over-treatment at a veterinary cancer referral clinic (Proceedings)

Veterinarians will see more pets with cancer, since our pet populations are living longer.

Andrew Lowe, DVM, MSc, DACVD


Glucocorticoid use in cats

Understanding these feline-specific differences is important when prescribing these commonly used drugs.

David A. Rhoda, DVM


Records, records, records (Proceedings)

Everything we have discussed to this point is actually about establishing a records plan that will allow us to serve the dairy industry of the future using the records that are efficiently gathered so we are not spending all of our time keeping or organizing the records. As our herds get larger, as the number of animals examined at any one time increases, as we are examining groups of diverse animals at one time, and as we struggle to maintain a cow side presence, the organization of the records becomes more critical.

J. Catharine Scott-Moncrieff, MA, Vet MB, MS, MRCVS, DACVIM, DECVIM, DSAM


Communicating an appropriate aim of insulin therapy to cat owners

This veterinary internist says for cats owners to put themselves in their cats' shoes before shooting for diabetic remission as the ultimate goal.

Chris Bern, DVM


The day I told my veterinary client the truth

We can't let fear keep us veterinarians from broaching this taboo topic with pet owners.

Tracey Nowers, CVT


Build a buzz with client seminars

Do you yearn to learn and enlighten clients with your know-how? If you're passionate about client education, consider hosting educational classes for clients.

Jeremy Keen, DVM


From veterinarian to betterinarian: How I improved my production

Paying your bills and chipping away at your student loans as a veterinary associate? These strategies can help you build your incomeand practice top-notch medicine.

Lorraine Monheiser List, CPA, CVA, MEd


Q&A: How to switch roles in veterinary practice and salaries

Time to reevaluate your position in the practice. Here's how to make the transition a smooth one.

Joseph W. Bartges, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVN


Leading Off: New guidance for treating bacterial UTIs

Dr. Joseph Bartges discusses how a new set of guidelines provide an important framework.

Craig A. Thompson, DVM, DACVP


Review of the blood smear cell identification, morphology, and parasites of the three main cell lines (Proceedings)

Evaluation of a properly prepared blood smear by the trained human eye is an absolutely necessary compliment to machine evaluation of peripheral blood in all species.

Lauren Diamond


Do your raises keep up with the times?

The cost of living creeps up and up. Does team members' pay keep pace?

Mark Cushing, JD, Animal Policy Group


Blog: Another court opinion scaring folks aboutthe status of pets as property

Judges comments meant to explain why the state of Oregon is hard on animal abusers, not change longheld precedent.

Laura J. Armbrust, DVM, DACVR


Hepatic ultrasonography: diffuse and focal diseases (Proceedings)

Clipping the hair over the last 2-3 intercostal spaces and extending the area dorsally is important for complete visualization of the liver, particularly in deep chested dog or dogs with small livers.

Linda M. Vap, DVM, DACVP


An update on blood typing, crossmatching, and doing no harm in transfusing dogs and cats

Seven blood types are recognized in dogs, and four blood types are identified in cats.

Barron Hall, DVM, FAVD


3 tips to top the charts of dental greatness

Amplify your dental records with complete dental charting that labels the condition of each tooth. Photographs, full mouth intraoral radiographs and consistent terminology will help you stay in tune when you need to make dental referrals.

Sheila Lewis, CVT


On the job: Sheila Lewis, CVT

Getting to know Sheila Lewis, CVT

Dennis M. McCurnin, DVM, MS, DACVS


How to own the examination room (Proceedings)

Professional communications (marketing) in the examination room has become an important part of successful veterinary practices. Marketing as discussed here is "the communication of professional services and goods".

J.A. Impellizeri, DVM, DACVIM (oncology)


Skills Laboratory: How to make a high-quality slide from a fine-needle aspirate

Follow this step-by-step guide to prepare a high-quality slide, increasing the value of its interpretation.

Scott P. Shaw, DVM, DACVECC


CVC Highlight: Evil foreign bodies and more cautionary tales

This critical care specialist shares 13 lessons he learned the hard way while practicing emergency medicine.

Laura Bougie, DVM


The small, the mean, and the ugly

Putting his own needs aside, a man risks snaps and bites and offers outcast dogs unconditional love.

Marty Strauss


Create standout medication refills

Do your prescription call-ins get lost in the paperwork on the doctor's desk? Marty Strauss, the practice manager for St. Charles Veterinary Clinic in St. Charles, Ill., recommends using colored paper to highlight medication refills.

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