
Tracey Cimmarusti


Have your people call my people

Pet owners with hospitalized pets at Associated Veterinary Specialists in Bridgeton, Mo., always know news about their pet's condition is just a phone call away.

Caroline G. McPhee, DVM, PhD


Advances in canine genetic testing-and what these tests mean for you

See what these tests can already do for you and your patients-and what the future holds.

Mary Tefend Campbell, CVT, VTS (ECC)


Transfusion support for the bleeding patient (Proceedings)

Transfusion of blood products is an important lifesaving measure performed frequently in veterinary medicine. The decision to transfuse should not be taken lightly: it is costly and can frequently be clouded by complications. Blood transfusion therapy should be limited to the treatment of anemia, hypoproteinemia, coagulation disorders, or hemodynamic instability.

Laura Lee, DVM


Recycled, washable warmth

Acres Animal Hospital in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, relies on hot-water bottles to help provide comfort to patients.

Debra L. Zoran, DVM, PhD, DACVIM


Feline nutrition: Understanding how to feed cats for obesity prevention and weight management (Sponsored by Nestle Purina)

Studies show 15% to 35% of cats in the US are overweight or obese. Learn what you need to do at your veterinary practice in order to take control of weight management in your feline patients.

Liz Marsh


Veterinary management expert Roger Cummings, CVPM, dies

Veterinary Economics and Firstline bid farewell to former advisory board member.

Ashley Hopkins


How to complain properly

A carefully-worded complaint can transform a negative into a positive. Here are five ways to switch fault-finding into fix-finding.

Ray Dillon DVM, MS, MBA, Dipl. ACVIM


Feline heartworm disease: Assessing the danger for owners

An owner depends on the veterinarian to assess the danger of any potential disease to his or her dog or cat. In some instances, these dangers are well known by the general public (rabies, distempter, FeLV), and owner's may request these "preventative measures".

Michelle O'Neal


Practice Profiles: Companion Class IV laser therapy (Sponsored by Litecure)

Class IV laser therapy is a profit center that empowers you to provide advanced care and market your practice as a state-of-the-art facility.

Graham Meyer


Veterinary officials respond to globalization demand

During the next few years, more foreign veterinary schools are likely to seek U.S. accreditation, bringing a global dimension to the profession.

Vint Virga, DVM, DACVB


Self-directed behaviors in dogs and cats

Although the prevalence of self-directed behaviors is not well-documented in dogs or cats, it is likely underappreciated because animals are not typically presented for evaluation of such behaviors unless the clients think their pets are manifesting a behavior problem or some degree of injury as a consequence of the behavior.

Debbie Boone, BS, CVPM


The most uncomfortable conversations in practice management

From unpleasant body odor to inappropriate outfits at work, these are some uncomfortable topics practice managers must talk to their team members about. Here is how to make these awkward conversations meaningful and productive.

Jörg M. Steiner,,, PhD, DACVIM, DECVIM-CA, AGAF


Identifying the cause of acute vomiting in dogs: It matters for treatment and outcome (Sponsored by IDEXX)

With a vomiting dog, it is critical to distinguish between pancreatitis and nonspecific gastroenteritis. This is because the standard-of-care treatment of pancreatitis is no longer identical to treatment of nonspecific gastroenteritis. Accurate diagnosis will guide you to the best treatment plan for your patient.

Paul Camilo, CVPM


Extreme makeover: Unveiling a new dental suite

There comes a time in every clinic when change is inevitable.

Christiane Holbrook


Love your job again

The honeymoon is over. You've settled into your new place, routine has set in, and you're starting to realize this marriage thing isn't exactly how you dreamed it would be. Sound familiar?

Jan Miller


Be on high alert for online reviews

Use this handy tool to keep track of who's saying what about your practice.

Steve R. Hollingsworth, DVM, DACVO


Practical Matters: How to handle nonhealing corneal ulcers in dogs

When seemingly routine corneal ulcers in dogs fail to heal in a normal period (i.e. seven to 10 days), many veterinarians engage in musical chairs treatment, prescribing one topical antibiotic and then another.

Mary Rose Paradis, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM


Gastrointestinal problems in foal (Proceedings)

The three most common gastrointestinal problems that are seen in the foal include colic, gastric ulcer disease and diarrhea. Though these are also common in the adult the foal has different specific etiologies and treatments.

Dr. Karl Salszieder


17 differences between selling to a corporation and an associate

Is a corporate cat or a lone wolf the right buyer for your practice? Use this chart to weigh whether an associate or a corporation is the right buyer for you.

Larry G. Adams, DVM, PhD, DACVIM


Acute renal failure: leptospirosis is more common than you think (Proceedings)

In dogs, leptospirosis most commonly results in acute renal failure (ARF) with or without concurrent (or subsequent) hepatic disease. Although leptospirosis can cause ARF along with acute liver disease (or liver failure), ARF without liver disease has become the most common clinical presentation of the predominant serovars of leptospirosis affecting dogs in the US.

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