
Michael S. Leib, DVM, MS, DACVIM


Diagnostic approach to chronic diarrhea in dogs and cats (Proceedings)

Chronic diarrhea is a common problem in dogs and cats. Diagnosis can be difficult and challenging for veterinarians due to the large number of possible causes of chronic diarrhea. Following a logical and thorough diagnostic plan is essential to efficiently arrive at an accurate diagnosis. This seminar will review the author's approach to the diagnosis of chronic diarrhea.

Brad Phifer, CPDT-KA


10 ways any team member can help improve animal behavior

Discover your role in helping animals that display not-so-perfect behavior.

Dean Severidt, DVM


Young veterinarians don't know how to talk to clients

The younger generation of veterinarians lacks one critical business skill.

Kimberly Rubenstein


Give up the one-man band

You may like the sound of doing it all, but that's not usually the most efficient way to work. So change your tune and leverage your team members more to increase your sanity?and the practice's profitability.

Ellen M. Lindell, VMD, DACVB


Video: Don't wait to socialize young pups!

Veterinary behaviorist Dr. Ellen Lindell weighs the risks of socialization before vaccinations are complete.

Margie Scherk, DVM, DABVP (feline practice)


19 cat myths that need to go

Brush up on your feline facts, veterinary team members, while you disabuse your well-meaning but ill-informed cat clients of some feline fallacies. Dont miss the client handout at the end!

Summer Holmstrand-Irmiter, MBA


Use a public relations campaign to help your practice grow

Recruit new clients and grow your practice with a well-planned campaign to educate the public about the pet care and services you offer.

Michelle Hainer


Euthanasia: 7 coping strategies for veterinary team members

Clients aren't the only ones hurting when their pets are euthanized.

Lisa Carioto, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM


Study examines effects of S-Adenosylmethionine

Severe liver disease impairs hepatic methionine metabolism, thereby reducing SAMe availability.

Nancy Scanlan, DVM, MSFP, CVA


Scientific basis for common holistic treatments (Proceedings)

There are a number of references for various modalities accessible through PubMed as well as summarized in various texts.

Catherine Mullin, VMD, MS


Canine distemper (Proceedings)

Distemper occurs intermittently, especially in shelters located in communities with many unvaccinated dogs, and can appear identical to run-of-the-mill "kennel cough."

Rachael Eaker


On the job: Rachael Eaker

One morning, I was stocking the food display in my practice's reception area when something caught my eye.

Karl R. Salzsieder, DVM, JD, CVA


10 steps to take when a practice owner dies

To keep a veterinary practiceand its staffstable, take this advice to heart after the death of the practice owner.

Allen Matson, DVM, DAVDC


Endodontic disease: Remove the source of infection

Concussive force from blunt trauma can result in pulpal inflammation and death of the pulp tissue.

Christine Shupe


Pet perks: Data on veterinary employee benefits

The Veterinary Hospital Managers Association shares the top perks employees receive at veterinary practices.

Patrick Saulsbury, DVM


Discovering a new dinosaur species: Dracorex hogwartsia

In retrospect, I realize now that it all began when my grandmother gave me a mammoth's molar-my first fossil.

Tracey Ritzman, DVM, DABVP


Client handout: 3 tips for new ferret owners

We've ferreted out three top tips to help you educate veterinary clients about their new furry friends. Click, print and share!

Simon Roe, BVSc, PhD, DACVS


Osteoarthritis in cats: Still a mass of unknowns

When addressing arthritis in cats, we presume similarities to arthritis in dogs, interpreting radiographs and clinical signs with canine differential diagnoses in mind. And we develop therapies based on how dogs are managed. But these presumptions have little scientific basis. In fact, we know little about how many cats have arthritis, what effect their arthritis has on their lifestyles, or to what degree therapy improves their comfort level.

Barrak Pressler, DVM, PhD, DACVIM


A practical guide to antiproteinuric drugs in dogs

Dr. Barrak Pressler lays out the case for administering ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II-receptor blockers.

Steve Sisler, DVM, DACVO


Complicated corneal ulcer: Avoiding disasters (Proceedings)

The primary goal in treating a corneal ulcer is to identify its cause or identify factors that may prevent it from healing well.

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