Make your veterinary team your No. 1 client
July 1st 2014Consider this advice to treat your team members as important clients.Telling your team to treat clients well isn't enough. Instead, try to see your team as your most important client. Treat them the way you want them to treat your clients. How well you treat them has a major impact on how well they treat others. Use these three steps to put your team first:
3 steps to solving veterinary practice problems
June 30th 2014Immersing yourself in the day-to-day activities of your hospital can make all the difference when tackling client, patient and employee problems.This was written by one of 10 finalists for the Veterinary Economics Practice Manager of the Year award, sponsored by VPI. For more from each finalist and a slideshow of the nominees, visit
Continued coverage of alleged animal cruelty by Texas veterinarian Dr. Millard Tierce
June 16th 2014Veterinarian faces million-dollar lawsuits over accusations of gross negligence, animal cruelty and infliction of emotional distress after allegedly performing experiments on pets owners thought had been euthanized.