Toxicology of plants (Proceedings)
August 1st 2009Easter lilies (Lilium longiflorum), tiger lilies (Lilium tigrinum), rubrum or Japanese showy lilies (Lilium speciosum and Lilium lancifolium), and various day lilies (Hemerocallis species) have been incriminated in causing acute renal failure and death in cats.
Surgery of the diseased bovine digit (Proceedings)
August 1st 2009Untreated or late-treated foot rot, a complicated sole ulcer, a white line abscess that extends into retroarticular structures, and puncture wounds may all result in necrosis and or infection of structures important for weight bearing.
Bill introduced to ease veterinarian shortage in public health, rural areas
August 1st 2009Washington - Legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives would create a new Division of Veterinary Medicine and Public Health at the federal level and invest monies to help solve work-force shortages in government and food-animal markets.