AVMA questions credibility of Pew Commission report regarding antimicrobial resistance
August 17th 2009Washington -- AVMA is questioning the scientific validity of the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production report released last year, urging Congress not to consider it when voting on the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA).
AWVF holding essay contest for veterinary students
August 16th 2009Irvine, Calif. -- The Association for Women Veterinarians Foundation (AWVF) is sponsoring a one-time essay contest for U.S. veterinary students, offering a $500 cash prize and an additional $1,000 in travel funds for the winner to attend the 2010 AVMA convention in Atlanta.
Dismissed suit against Petland to be amended, re-filed, lawyer says
August 12th 2009Phoenix -- The attorney for at least six pet owners who filed a class-action suit against Ohio-based Petland Inc. and the Hunte Corp., accusing them of selling unhealthy puppies from puppy mills to unsuspecting consumers, says he will amend and re-file the suit after the original was dismissed by a federal judge in Phoenix.
Iowa State DVMs receive more than $200K for research
August 9th 2009Ames, Iowa -- Researchers at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine working on developing flu vaccines for swine landed a state grant for nearly $150,000, and other Iowa State veterinary researchers will receive nearly $70,000.