'Never have I ever ... ': Veterinary edition
February 5th 2019Ever noticed that people tend to be a lot more honest about their life choices when asked to tell the truth in a game? This phenomenon is exactly what Drs. Caitlin DeWilde and Kimberly-Ann Therrien and I experienced when we used a popular party game to teach life lessons in Women's Veterinary Leadership Development Initiative sessions at Fetch dvm360.
Commentary: Could a DVM-MS degree open the door to One Health?
February 2nd 2019Modern medicine has reshaped our world. We think the next revolution could be in recognizing the interdependence of all species and all life, and creating a new dual-degree to educate the leaders of that field for the future.
3 things to think about before building a hospital
January 29th 2019Veterinary architects and experienced practice owners make up the dvm360 Hospital Design Competition panel of judges every year. This time, we decided to share three future-facing and sound insights that judges shared with us while they explored this years entries.
Under-buy or over-buy: What's your style?
January 26th 2019In her session on self-awareness at Fetch dvm360 in San Diego, Betsy Charles, DVM, MA, suggests a book wed never heard of. Heres why she thinks its an important read for self-awareness and your understanding of veterinary clients motivations and thinking in the exam room and once they leave.