DogQuiz 2: What breed would you be at work?
Sniff out the canine that best suits your work ethic with this quick and fun quiz.
Can my pet get H1N1?
Answer clients' biggest flu question with confidence.
Ask Amy: I see London, I see France
How to handle team members' underwear issues.
How to respond to client fears about feline diabetes
Ward off client worries about feline diabetes in the first few minutes after diagnosis.
How to keep chatty clients on schedule
Build in extra time for clients who like to talk.
Patient recovery: Every team member plays a part
Managing postoperative pain should rank as a top concern for team members and pet owners. Follow these position-specific guidelines to educate clients and help keep their pets comfortable.
Why clients drive me crazy
Dr. Hilary Petit loves her clients, but they drive her crazy sometimes.
Minimize client waiting
Eliminate lag time with flex scheduling.
Technology as a time-saving tool
See how one practice uses a computer system to stay on track.
Safety protocols still necessary for computerized and digital radiography
Some people believe that radiation from DR or CR is not as dangerous as that from regular radiographs and that safety precautions aren't as important. They're wrong.
Teach your team to reinforce your recommendations
Our team members aren't salespeople. How can we teach them to reinforce our recommendations to clients?
The cattle cycle: a primer for beef cattle veterinarians (Proceedings)
Historically cow-calf producers have been plagued by a market that is beyond their control, that is, a reasonably competitive market.
Managing for healthy beef calves (Proceedings)
One key for profitability for cow-calf producers is pounds of calf weaned in the fall.
The technician's role in outpatient management of chronic kidney disease (Proceedings)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common disease in older animals.
TDM: helpful hints for easy dosage adjustments Proceedings)
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) provides insight on the internal exposure of drug available to reach the site of action.
Physical examination for technicians: Part 1 and 2 (Proceedings)
A technician's checklist for physical examinations
Overview of small animal urinary tract endoscopy (Proceedings)
Cystoscopy has not received much attention in clinical practice until recently.
Care and maintenance of endoscopy equipment (Proceedings)
Your clinic's flexible endoscopes and its instrumentation can be a major purchase for your clinic.
Overview of small animal respiratory endoscopy (Proceedings)
As the veterinary profession grows and becomes more specialized, many veterinarians are learning procedures such as bronchoscopy and integrating this specialized procedure into their clinics.
Overview of small animal gastrointestinal endoscopy (Proceedings)
More veterinary hospitals are now incorporating endoscopy equipment in their clinics.
Endoscopy: troubleshooting equipment (Proceedings)
The Veterinary technician wears many professional hats in the average veterinary hospital, ranging from receptionist, primary care nurse, nurse anesthetist, surgical nurse, nutrition consultant, to equipment maintenance specialist.
The nuts and bolts of blood pressure measurement (Proceedings)
Blood pressure measurement is often not a routine part of small animal practice.
Female breeding soundness examination (Proceedings)
A technician's guide to examining female breeding soundness.
How to keep your best employees from walking out the door (Proceedings)
Finding and keeping good employees has arguably been the most difficult task facing the veterinary profession for some years.
The technician exam: how to increase your self esteem and your value to your practice (Proceedings)
Few management experts would argue that one of the key aspects of a successful practice is effective delegation.
Clinical applications of holistic medicine for veterinary technicians (Proceedings)
Holistic medicine has many different definitions, misconceptions and perspectives depending on who one talks to. It encompasses many varied modalities.
"He says, she says?..," Who cares?? Let's solve the problem and keep the staff productive! (Proceedings)
I remember when I started my practice over 20 years ago that I was surprised and intrigued by certain employment policies that I heard some of the newer “corporate” practices, as well as many smaller practices had implemented.
Treatment room quarterback (Proceedings)
Have you ever stopped to think about how organized (or disorganized) the treatment area in your hospital truly is?
Interpretation of anemias- by the numbers and by the cells (Proceedings)
If a patient has a significant anemia, an important step is to figure out if the anemia is regenerative or non-regenerative.
Shampoo therapy (Proceedings)
The importance of topical therapy for pets should not be underestimated.