Commentary: The search for the perfect house


We're happy in our current abode, but we know our "team" will eventually need an upgrade. Could the same be said about your veterinary practice?

Around the third hour of online house searching, I figured I should take a break and, you know, live my life.

When my wife and I moved into our house in 2008, we knew it might not be our permanent house. It didn't have every feature we were looking for, but it came close and it fit our budget.

But now, it's time to at least start thinking about the next step. Miles' first birthday has come and gone, and we'd like to find our dream house before he starts school.

“Dream house” is a relative term, of course, because if I had my way, I'd have a waterslide leading from the house to a gigantic pool outside. But there are a few key features I'll be looking for. Among them:

> A driveway built for basketball. Some of my best memories growing up involved inviting the friends over for a few pickup games, which often lasted until well after dark thanks to some auxiliary lighting. Miles will need a flat two- or three-car driveway with no tree interference.

> Bigger bedrooms. Miles' crib doesn't take up too much room, but we'll convert it into a toddler bed before too long, so I'm sure he'll appreciate a little more space for his toys.

> A large, flat backyard. Our current backyard contains 19 trees. As a result, the uneven terrain sees little sunlight and grass struggles to grow in some spots. While the shade is nice in the summer, Miles will need more lush turf to run on when I teach him how to throw a curveball.

> Four bedrooms. Time will tell whether we'll end up having two kids or three, but if we go with the latter, I'm sure they'll appreciate having their own bedroom. And if they take it for granted, I'll tell them the story of my family's Great Steve and Eric Falling Out of 1999.

Amanda and I have a few wants of our own, of course, but our preferences aren't the ones that matter most. After all, a happy life for our kids means a happy life for us.

As a veterinary practice owner, you're in the same position. If you can meet your team's needs, you'll have a more efficient, profitable practice filled with employees who look forward to coming to work. And if they're happy to be there, clients will enjoy visiting your practice.

So check out "25 ways to make your team love your hospital," where you'll find tips for giving your team members everything they deserve when you build or renovate your facility. Then check out "The faves that get raves" for a list of their favorite veterinary equipment. Incorporate some of these features into your practice and watch their enthusiasm for work grow.

And if you really feel ambitious, I know a waterslide guy who can give you a great deal.

Steve Bennaka

Content Specialist

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