
Elizabeth A. Shull, DVM, DACVIM (neurology), DACVB


Overactive pets and dogs that pull on their leashes (4:47)

In this video, Dr. Shull discusses listening to clients' concerns about their overactive pets, plus offers advice for clients whose dogs pull on their leashes.

Kathy Parker


A recipe for great service

Take one IV bag, stir in a concerned client, and add a dash of helpful team member.

John C. Huhn, DVM, MS


Intracorporeal suturing in minimally invasive surgery

Minimally invasive surgery is a rapidly developing discipline in veterinary medicine, thanks to its widespread use in human medicine. During the past 20 years, veterinarians have watched a temporally similar development with arthroscopic surgery. While minimally invasive surgery has many advantages over traditional open surgery—including reduced postoperative pain, reduced recovery times, and improved operative results—there is a caveat: It requires specialized training and considerable experience. In this article, I'll focus on one particular minimally invasive technique—intracorporeal suturing.

Thoulton W. Surgeon, DVM, FAVD, Dipl. AVDC


A simple way to obtain a bite registration

A bite registration can be a valuable part of orthodontic planning for patients with a rostral crossbite.

Peter H. Eeg, DVM


Laser technology offers wide range of surgical applications

The past decade has seen a steady growth in laser energy used by general veterinary practitioners. Today, veterinary medicine is enjoying a rapid acceptance of various forms of laser energy as a companion and often superior therapeutic modality for surgical case management.

Andrea Honigmann, DVM


Pedaling to a new past-time

When I was veterinary school, summer meant RAGBRAI, the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. While I never participated, I was in awe as legions of bicyclists made their way through Ames en route to a finish line on the state's eastern edge. There's even a veterinarian version of the famed race, which takes place during fall semester.

Laura McLain Madsen, DVM


7 steps to better veterinary dental recommendations

Feeling tongue-tied when veterinary clients refuse dental treatment for their pets? Here's a mouthful of ideas on how to emphasize the importance of complete oral care.

Dr. Gary Patronek


How many is too many?

Q: At the clinic where I work we have several clients who own more animals than they can care for properly. What is the best way to approach an animal collector?

R.Craig Brakeman, DVM


Overcoming an unfufilled promise

When his workplace turned toxic and his partnership opportunity dried up, this doctor learned the hard way that it's better to cut your losses and move on&mdashbefore it's too late.

Larry Peetz, DVM


The essential components of a financial plan

Financial planning early in your career is perhaps the most important thing you can do to make sure you accomplish your personal and professional goals. In fact, the day you leave school would be a great time to start planning. But regardless of your age or career stage, it's never too late to gain value from a hard look at your financial situation and advice from a financial advisor who can help you identify and implement your financial plan. Here are the essential components of a financial plan:

Chana Einstein, DVM


Offbeat: Stories of veterinary practice life

Editor's Note: DVM Newsmagazine's newest column, "Offbeat," gives veterinarians the opportunity to share stories of humor, inspiration, sadness and peculiarity that cross paths daily with veterinary medicine.

Gerald Snyder, VMD


The end is near if things don't change in the veterinary profession

Look at the numbers and save yourself-your veterinary practice too.

Mark E. Orendorff


Deciding how to build

You're finally ready to build your dream hospital or expand your existing facility. For years, you've read design articles in Veterinary Economics and carefully studied every floor plan. You've also planned to hire an award-winning veterinary architect. But one of your clients is an architect, and you like her work.

Rusty Muse, DVM, DACVD


Why topical therapies fail, according to a veterinary dermatologist

Hitting a brick wall with your dermatology patients? If your recommendations for topical therapies are going nowhere, make sure youre not inadvertently doing anything on this list.

Andreas Pahl, MBA, SPHR, CVPM


New creative and innovative marketing initiatives (Proceedings)

Promoting Your Practice: Identifying your customers and reaching out to them. Discussions will include websites and print media, articles and advertorials, participation in public and collaborative events

Tomas Baker, MS


Performing ultrasound to evaluate pregnancy (Proceedings)

The normal uterus is best located by scanning transversely between the urinary bladder and the colon.

Karen Sabatini


Feed pets' dietary needs

Clients often ask me what they should feed their pets. What should I say?

Kim L. Cronin, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM


Current recommendations for mammary gland tumors in dogs

Mammary gland tumors remain one of the most common cancers in our canine patients.

Matthew Lemmons, DVM, DAVDC


Why embrace veterinary dentistry?

Patients need it. Clients love it. What more do you need to know?

Richard Bednarski, DVM, MS, DACVA


Leading Off: Be aware of the new anesthesia guidelines for dogs and cats

The guidelines emphasize the delivery of safe and effective anesthesia and perianesthetic pain management.

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