
Steven Fox, DVM, PhD, MBA


Fiduciary fundamentals

A corporate trustee won't die, move away, take a vacation or be biased or distracted by personal concerns.

Sandy Brown, MSPT, CCRP


Underwater treadmill therapy in dogs

This physical therapist and certified canine rehabilitation practitioner discusses canine physical therapy and demonstrates underwater treadmill therapy in a German shorthaired pointer with a partial cranial cruciate ligament tear and a German shepherd dog with type II intervertebral disc disease and hip dysplasia.

Nancy Shaffran, CVT, VTS (ECC)


Anesthesia monitoring (Proceedings)

The overall goal of anesthesia is survival and optimum recovery from surgery. In order to accomplish this goal, the surgery patient must be continually monitored for changes, especially deterioration in respiration, cardiac function and tissue perfusion regardless of the specific surgery.

C. Scott Learned, MS, MBA, PE


Keep it down in there!

This no-nonsense advice on dog zones with an animal-care-focused engineer provides some suggestions to keep down noise in a new or remodeled veterinary clinic.

Michael M. Pavletic, DVM, Dipl. ACVS


Closing a pinnal defect with a transposition flap

Illustrative reference of removing a pinnal tumor and closing with a transposition flap.

John D. Bonagura, DVM, MS, DACVIM


Feline cardiovascular diseases: parts 1, 2, 3 (Proceedings)

Cardiovascular (CV) diseases in cats include congenital malformations, acquired heart, and vascular disorders. Myocardial disorders or cardiomyopathies, the major cause of heart failure, thromboembolism, and persistent arrhythmias in cats, constitute the focus of this presentation.

Gregory Troy


Canine Lyme disease still raises debate on definitive diagnosis

Dr. Gregory Troy pinpoints the factors that help practioners determine a definitive diagnosis for Canine Lyme disease and how to treat it.

Julia K. Veir, DVM, DACVIM, PhD


Managing of feline diabetes (Proceedings)

In 2005 Eli Lily announced the discontinuation of the majority of animal derived source insulins in addition to the lente and ultralente lines of product. This changed the landscape of veterinary diabetic management. Ultimately, the best insulin for your patient may be the one you are most familiar with; however, general guidelines will help choose the insulin that will give you the best success with your patients.

Margie Carr


4 reasons patients should see techs instead of vets

When clients schedule appointments with technicians instead of veterinarians, everyone wins. Find out if your practice could benefit from starting technician appointments.

Sandra Robbins, BS, CVT, VTS (anesthesia)


Pain assessment (Proceedings)

We already know that the way we each perceive pain will be different depending on our past experiences. The way we respond to that pain also varies from person to person. These two points make recognizing and treating pain difficult, especially in regards to our veterinary patients.

Stephanie Preiser


Saved by the bell

When the school bell rings at Heritage Animal Hospital in Maple Grove, Minn., team members celebrate.

Jeannie Losey, RVT, VTS (Dentistry)


Feline oral disease (Proceedings)

Cats are different! Being obligate carnivores, they do not have chewing teeth, but instead have carnassial teeth that aid to cut up their food into manageable pieces.

Robert M. Stein, DVM, DAAPM


Nails, ears and other painful exams: Using analgesia and sedation to make it better for the patient (Proceedings)

Currently available sedative analgesic agents have opened up a wonderful world of opportunity to practice with intelligent compassion: to work smarter, not harder when managing patients that resent a variety of necessary procedures.

John W. McCall, Ph.D.


Heartworm-positive dog requires tailored treatment

Dr. John McCall details how to treat patients suffering from heartworm disease. Treatment takes time and strict monitoring but yields positive outcomes.

Heather Lewellen, DVM


The idiosyncrasies of itchy cats

Cats are not small dogswe've heard that before. It's never quite so true in veterinary medicine as for a dermatologist!

Christine Navarre, DVM, MS, DACVIM


Common diseases of meat goats: Herd diseases (Proceedings)

Information on caseous lymphadenopathy, caprine arthritis encephalitis virus, Johne's disease, and mycoplasmosis in goats.

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