
Carl D. Sammarco, BvSc, MRCVS, DACVIM


Breed-specific variations of cardiomyopathy in dogs

Cardiomyopathy in dogs encompasses a wide spectrum of diseases, ranging from systolic and diastolic dysfunction to various arrhythmias.

David Lummis


Trends in pet products

The top trend globally is pet product marketing that reflects the human-pet relationship.

Christopher J. Allen, DVM, JD


A look under the hood of a corporate practice purchase

From deciding to sell through the closing to the impacts on the veterinary team, discover the ins and outs of corporate practice purchase.

H. Steven Steinberg, VMD, DACVIM, CCRT


Treating deep-seated brain tumors in dogs

The arsenal of treatments available for patients with deep-seated glial tumors continues to grow.

Robert T. O'Brien, DVM, MS, DACVR


Contrast radiography made simple: GI tract (Proceedings)

The inherent poor contrast within the abdomen and the fact that soft tissue and fluid can not be differentiated radiographically means that contrast media are required for assessment of luminal surfaces, and therefore wall thicknesses of the gastrointestinal tract.

Chris Sweeney


EEE surge blamed on economy

Lansing, Mich. - The effects of Michigan's woeful economy are far reaching. State unemployment is in the double digits, industries have been gutted, and horse owners may be failing to properly care for their animals in order to save a few bucks.

Kerry Richard, JD


Paying for associate CE

Q. I know we need to pay team members when they attend required training meetings. But what's the legal standard for paying associate veterinarians their salary to attend CE meetings? Where does the practice's responsibility end and the doctor's responsibility to maintain her license begin?

Aimee C. Kidder, DVM, DACVIM


Feline diabetes mellitus (Proceedings)

Diabetes mellitus (DM) can be defined as a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia, which results from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. DM can occur because of disease affecting the endocrine pancreas and other endocrinopathies such as acromegaly.

Kelly Parmeter


How I toilet trained my cat

Sick of the litter box, this veterinary team member took control and toilet trained her kitty.

Patricia Weidler


A thanks that's more than hot air

Looking for a fun way to say thanks for a job well done? When the price at the pumps started rising this summer, the team at Community Veterinary Center in Oneonta, N.Y., received a special bonus: a little gas relief.

Steven C. Budsberg, DVM, MS, DACVS


Fracture fixation technical errors (Proceedings)

Fracture repair results in the creation of a bone-implant composite. Although most of our interventions for fracture repair are successful, at times it seems as though there are an endless number of errors that may prevent the fracture from healing. Fortunately, once the cause of the complication is recognized, the underlying problem can often be corrected and a successful outcome eventually attained.

Helena Rylander, DVM, DACVIM (neurology)


Vestibular syndrome: What's causing the head tilt and other neurologic signs?

Discover how to pinpoint the underlying cause of this condition and administer appropriate treatment.

Lori Roke Stine


Hone your phone skills

Whether you answer the phone twice a day or twice a minute, these tips will help you handle a range of calls with finesse and keep conflict with clients to a minimum.

Alan Chicoine, DVM, MSc, DACVP


Antimicrobial dosing strategies: Applying PK/PD principles (Proceedings)

Concerns regarding bacterial resistance to antimicrobials are increasing the awareness of rational use in human and veterinary medicine. Successful antimicrobial therapy relies on administering sufficient doses so that pathogens at the site of infection are killed or sufficiently suppressed so that they can be eliminated by the host's immune system.

Andrew Specht, DVM, DACVIM


Chronic rhinitis (Proceedings)

Among the key frustrations is a lack of understanding about exactly what this condition represents (i.e. Is there really a causal relationship to some form of infection? is it immune-mediated? Allergic?...). Since it is a diagnosis of exclusion, there is also always a bit of doubt about whether or not I may have missed a primary nasal diseas.

Wendy S. Myers, CVJ


Converting callers into clients

This script outlines steps for making a good first impression during a conversation with a client

Jerald Silverman, DVM, DACLAM


AAAS symposium-Society, laboratory animals, and the laboratory-animal veterinarian

Societal concerns about animal welfare have led to changes in the philosophy and practice of laboratory-animal medicine that are advantageous to research animals as well as to laboratory-animal veterinarians.

Juliet Hedge, DVM


Visual lameness exam detects subtle flaws

The visual lameness exam is the art of practical science when evaluating a performance horse. It is applied in highest form during the pre-purchase examination. It is a most powerful tool when examining for the more subtle lameness occurrences where a horse is not performing up to expectations or previous performance levels.

Rachael Hume


How I handle clients with "wild" pets

Squirrels are all the rage in my practice's hometown. Here's how I let clients know they're not appropriate housepets.

Linda Shell, DVM, DACVIM


The shakyyyyy......doogggg... (Proceedings)

Tremors in people are classified/described in many different ways: neuroanatomical location, rate, amplitude, rhythmicity, relationship to rest and movement, posture, performance of specific tasks, medical and family history.

Becky Schilling


Ensign: colorful, yet controversial

Veterinary medicine was not on the forefront of John Ensign's mind until playing softball with a vet in college, which led to volunteering at his clinic. "The first day down there that was it," he says. "I fell in love with it." So he changed his major from marketing to veterinary medicine, thus beginning 14 years of animal practice.

Cathy Lund, DVM


Leading Off: Pets, people, and pathogens: Emerging diseases

Dr. Cathy Lund discusses how building bridges between the two fields will help to strengthen primary care for both animals and humans.

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