
Tom Johnson, DVM


Grow revenue, loyalty, horse health with routine dental examinations

Does every horse that you see undergo a dental exam? Is a complete oral exam including the use of sedation, a full-mouth speculum, a good headlight and a dental mirror part of your yearly preventative maintenance program? Do you include a complete oral exam as a part of all your pre-purchase exams? If you answered "Yes" to these questions, then you are, unfortunately, in the minority of equine practitioners today.

Peter G. Fisher, DVM


Gastrointestinal disease in ferrets and rabbits (Proceedings)

Sacculus rotundus; spherical thick-walled enlargement at ileocecal junction. The adjacent cecum has a round patch of lymphoid tissue called the cecal tonsil. The increased thickness of these two lymphoid structures is due to aggregates of organized lymphoid tissue and macrophages in lamina propria and submucosa. Important to recognize this palpable thickening as normal.

Steven L. Marks, BVSc, MS, MRCVS, DACVIM


Thoracic trauma (Proceedings)

Traumatic injuries of the respiratory system are fairly common in the dog and cat. Most of these injuries can lead to life threatening complications. It is important that the veterinary clinician be familiar with the clinical signs associated with these injuries and be prepared for aggressive intervention when required.

Harold C. Schott II, DVM, PhD, DACVIM


Weight loss: Case discussions (Proceedings)

A 5-year-old Oldenburg gelding used for dressage, was presented for evaluation of mild bouts of recurrent colic, more frequent over the past month. The colic signs included flank watching and intermittent sternal recumbency and were either self-limiting or responsive to a single dose of Banamine.

Madeline S. Yamate, MBA, DVM, CVA


Geriatric medicine: A TCVM approach (Proceedings)

According to the National Research Council, the term "senior" refers to an animal's functionality, such as decreased activity, weight gain, and other age-related physical and behavioral changes.

Amanda M. House, DVM, DACVIM


Equine vaccination recommendations: what now? (Proceedings)

Vaccination is a critical component of an equine health maintenance program. Veterinarians play a crucial role in client education, risk assessment, and herd evaluation to determine which vaccination program is best suited for an individual horse or herd. Selection of vaccinations must take into account the horse's age, sex, geographic location, use of the horse, pregnancy status, risk for developing disease, and associated costs of immunization to the client.

Deanna Tickle, DVM


Martial arts give her kicks

This veterinarian will be testing for a black belt soon.

Donna Raditic, DVM, DACVN, CVA


Set veterinary clients straight about this pet food fallacy

'A business would not take its own consumer and put them in the food,' nutritionist says.

Christopher G. Byers, DVM, DACVECC, DACVIM


Cushing's disease: Webinars to help you diagnose, treat and monitor dogs

Two free On Demand CE webinars presented by Dr. Christopher Byers and sponsored by Dechra

Spring Suptic


Incomparably rude doesn't equal incompetence

A Pennsylvania veterinarian's public reprimand by the State Board of Veterinary Medicine was overturned by a Commonwealth Court panel, according to the Associated Press.

Julie Ekedahl, VMD, DACVR


Clinical Exposures: Why it's important to examine the entire radiographic image

A 2-year-old intact male Boston terrier was evaluated because of a recent onset of gagging and vomiting.

Scott A. Brown, VMD, PhD, DACVIM


Treating UTIs with fluoroquinolones: A case study (Sponsored by Pfizer)

Florie is a 4-year-old, spayed female Labrador-shepherd crossbred dog. Until six months ago, Florie's medical history was unremarkable. At that time, she was diagnosed with a bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI) based on the presence of hematuria and pollakiuria; she received 500 mg cephalexin orally once daily by the referring veterinarian for five days.

Lora R. Ballweber, DVM, MS


The expanding universe of three parasites

Are these three emerging parasites on your radar?

Noelle Radut


7 deadly sentences

See what sinful statements you may be making-and what you should say instead.

Todd Duffy, DVM, DACVECC


Blood component transfusion therapy (Proceedings)

Blood component transfusion is generally provided as supportive therapy for correction of one or more hematologic and/or hemostatic deficiencies, until the underlying disease process can be controlled or corrected. Blood component administration and its immediate endpoints often are only one part of a general therapeutic plan.

Cheryl Dyer


Deck your walls

Looking for some art to fill those empty walls? Check your mailbox! You probably receive a wealth of great artwork from clients every month, says Cheryl Dyer, practice manager at Noah's Ark Animal Clinic in Kansas City, Mo. When patients recover from a serious illness, their pet parents often send a note of thanks with a picture to the practice. Dyer says they frame these photos and hang them in the practice's front lobby.

Michele Rosenbaum, VMD, Dipl. ACVD


Identifying, managing feline acne, non-parasitic otitis and allergic dermatitis

In DVM Best Practices on Feline Medicine (May, 2002), I wrote about feline ear mites and dermatophytes, two common infectious diseases often seen in feline practice.

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