
Joseph Harari, MS, DVM, DACVS


Exercise-induced collapse in Labrador retrievers: A comparison with unaffected dogs

Exercise-induced collapse in young, otherwise healthy, Labrador retrievers is an uncommon, dramatic, self-limiting condition.

Christopher Thacher, DVM, DACVS


Canine hip dysplasia: Treatment hinges on phase of disease and age

Although it is expensive,TPO surgery can spare the dysplastic dog a lifetime limited by pain.

Amy J. Rankin, DVM, MS, DACVO


Skills Laboratory: Prolapsed third eyelid gland replacement

This modified Morgan pocket technique allows normal movement of the third eyelid postoperatively. Just follow these steps and achieve an optimal outcome.

Gregory A. Lewbart, VMD, MS, DACZM


Introduction to chelonian (turtle) medicine (Proceedings)

Turtles are found throughout the world on all continents and in all oceans except Antarctica. There are over 300 species of turtles (far fewer than snakes or lizards) that belong to about 90 genera in 13 families (; accessed 7/09).

Mark E. Battersby


The Affordable Care Act: Still alive and wellfor now

Despite efforts to repeal or replace, veterinarians still need to be aware of health insurance regulationsfor themselves and their employees.

Lori A. Corriveau, DVM


Guinea pig wellness (Proceedings)

Guinea pigs belong to the family Cavidae. Four digits on the forepaw and three digits on the hindpaw characterize Cavidae. Guinea pigs originate from the high planes of South America therefore they tolerate cold better than heat.

Butch KuKanich, DVM, PhD, DACVCP


CVC Highlight: My approach to an NSAID washout period in dogs

Veterinary pharmacologist Dr. Butch KuKanich gives his thoughts.

Cristina M. Hansen


The caribou project

Take a look at veterinary student Cristina Hansen's photos taken during the caribou project in Arctic Alaska.

Breck D. Hunsaker, DVM, PhD


The consulting veterinarian on the feedyard management team: Objective measurements for subjective decisions (Proceedings)

The process of designing vaccination programs and cost-effective treatment regimens should be data driven and "custom built" for a particular feeding operation.

Jennifer Ortman


The luckiest Penny

See how one copper-colored pit bull charmed an entire practice and found her own pot of gold-a loving family.

Vicki Wilke, DVM, PhD, DACVS


Alternative therapies for managing mobility: Nonsurgical management of cranial cruciate ligament rupture (Sponsored by Iams)

Osteoarthritis (OA) affects about 20% of canine patients. However, that estimate is probably low because there are many dogs with undiagnosed OA for which owners have not sought treatment.

Gregory Dennis


Practicing over state lines

Many veterinarians donated their time and expertise after hurricanes Katrina and Rita. You, too, may have considered volunteering.

Laurie Beard, DVM, MS, DACVIM


Immune-mediated myopathies in horses (Proceedings)

Purpura hemorrhagica is an immune mediated vasculitis associated with sensitization and cross-reactivity to proteins in the cell wall of Strep equi.

Cathy E. Langston, DVM, DACVIM


Practical Matters: Practical ways to measure GFR in your patients

Measuring the GFR can be useful in numerous situations commonly encountered in practice.

Ellen Paul-Kuchenbrod


Capture patients on film for your next presentation

A good example makes for a great presentation. But it's not always easy to find an image when it's time for that career talk at the high school. One solution: "Keep a camera on hand to record interesting or humorous cases," suggests Dr. Ellen Paul-Kuchenbrod of Lipton Animal Hospital in Urbana, Ill. "You can also take pictures of radiographs that show unusual foreign bodies ."

Robert Gillette, DVM, MSE


Police dogs and bird dogs (Proceedings)

The workload of a police dog or a bird dog creates varying medical issues which can be dependent upon their physical condition. If they are not conditioned to handle the workload exertional medical problems can arise. Another cause of medical problems in these dogs is related to the environments in which they work.

Kevin Washburn, DVM, DABVP


Abomasal ulcers in cattle (Proceedings)

An ulcer is defined as a loss of epithelium from the mucosal surface of the abomasum.

Lynn Kessel


A group of one's own

Lynn Kessel, practice manager at Round Rock Animal Hospital in Round Rock, Texas, firmly believes that every hospital manager needs someone to vent to, share ideas with, or solve problems with. "The doctors are busy, and it may not be appropriate for a manager to share certain issues with employees," she says.

Dan Chapel, AIA, NCARB


Do pet owners belong in the veterinary clinic treatment area?

We wondered, are there some significant pros and cons in showing pet owners more of what you do in your veterinary hospitals treatment and surgery space?

David M. Vail, DVM, DACVIM


Practical lymphoma management (Proceedings)

Lymphoma can be classified according to World Health Organization clinical stage, anatomic site, histologic/cytologic phenotype, and immunophenotype.

Anthony T. Blikslager, DVM, PhD, DACVS


Small colon impaction (Proceedings)

Small colon impaction is a relatively infrequent cause of colic. However, when it does occur, it can be difficult to recognize and to manage. We have noticed over the last several years that many of these cases are initiated by diarrheal disease, making the eventual diagnosis of an obstructive condition unexpected by the veterinarian.

Amanda L. Donnelly, DVM, MBA


Three Ways Client Service Representatives Can Build Client Loyalty

When pet owners visit veterinary practice, their first and last interactions are typically with the front office team. Consequently, client service representatives need to be well trained to create positive first and last impressions.

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