
Lara K. Maxwell, DVM, PhD, DACVCP


Therapy of CHF: choices and controversies (Proceedings)

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is not a primary disease; rather it is the manifestation of the failing heart that arises from neurohumoral compensation. The primary problems that underlie CHF can be diverse, but commonly involve myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) or dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats.

Patricia A. Payne DVM, PhD


New information sheds more awareness on canine ehrlichiosis

The incidence and awareness of canine ehrlichiosis have increased dramatically during the last few years. Some ehrli-chia organisms have been reclassified with new nomenclature using highly specific molecular testing procedures.

Wayne Usiak, AIA, NCARB


How to manage your construction project while staying in business

Planning, managing, and staying within your budget during construction can feel overwhelming. Consider these useful tips to help keep you on track for a successful project completion.

Julie Mullins, MA, LPCA


Disenfranchised grief: Why pet owners aren’t allowed to mourn

Veterinary team members wield the ability to smoothly guide pet owners through the grieving process of losing a pet. Here is how.

David Strong, MBA


A winning bonus program

This bonus program rewards employees fairly.

Jeff Smith, DVM


Commentary: Animal welfare, not economics should be profession's top concern

As a California veterinarian, my clients expect the best possible care and advice for their pets and horses. However, my clients also ask me about other animal-welfare issues, and the public expects the state's premier veterinary organization, the California Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA), to weigh in on important policy matters related to the welfare of animals.

Benjamin H. Cassutto, DVM


Using drug therapy to treat priapism in two dogs

Instead of surgical treatment, this practitioner tried a novel pharmacologic therapy with a successful outcome.

Mark Acierno, DVM, DACVIM


Diagnosing and treating hypertension (Proceedings)

Hypertension may be the most under diagnosed systemic illness affecting companion animals.

Lori Flores


Your computer is your phone's best friend

Mrs. Smith is on the phone again. Someone from your practice left her a message.

Joni L. Freshman, DVM, MS, DACVIM


Initially treating fading puppies and kittens

Timely treatment of ill neonates will provide the best chances of survival. Although time-consuming, intensive care of these puppies and kittens, which requires serial monitoring, can be extremely rewarding.

Barbara Schipkowski


A fun way to answer your team's questions

Use a newsletter to make sure staff members never feel left out in the cold.

Ira Luskin, Dr. med. vet., FAVD, DAVDC


Enamel pearls and tooth fairies: Making dentistry profitable (Proceedings)

The creation of a successful dental profit center requires the following: creating a dental team and establishing its oral disease philosophy, educating all the team members and finally marketing the product albeit educating the clients in order to accept the clinic's treatment recommendations.

Claudia L. LaMasters, CVPM


On the job: Claudia LaMasters, CVPM

One of our clients was so in love with his Doberman. One day his dog escaped from his yard. A frightened neighbor went after the dog with electric hedge clippers. The dog was rushed in for emergency surgery. Once the dog recovered, the man was so grateful that every time he visited our hospital he volunteered his services for almost a year.

Bo Brock, DVM


Colic surgery delivers a painful reminder

Find out what happened to Dr. Bo Brock after being kicked by an anesthetized horse

David Robbins, DVM


Is the veterinary physical exam toast?

In our 24/7 world of technologies fighting for your attention, here's one colleague's thoughts on slowing down to take in the unparalleled perspective this hands-on art provides for your veterinary patients.

Virginia R. Fajt, DVM, PhD


How drugs move through the body (Proceedings)

In most cases, we administer drugs at a different site than we want to drug to act. Understanding how drugs get to their site of action and how long they stay there is essential to making therapeutic decisions about which drug, what route, how much, how often, and for how long.

Kate Hurley, DVM, MPVM


CVC Kansas City Video: An exciting development in shelter medicine

Dr. Kate Hurley discusses the implementation of guidelines from the Association of Shelter Veterinarians.

Christopher K. Cebra, VMD, MA, MS, DACVIM


Coccidiosis in new world camelids (Proceedings)

A variety of parasites affect the gastrointestinal tract of New World camelids. Some of these are unique to camelids, but many also infest or infect ruminants, other domestic animals, cervids, or other wildlife as well. As a rule, parasitic infections are more associated with ill thrift than more specific and overt signs of GI disease, such as diarrhea or colic, but as such, they are among the most common causes of poor-doing in domestic camelids.

Julie Roberts


In memory of Barney

When a client's beloved pet dies, Julie Roberts, practice manager at Blackhawk Veterinary Hospital in Janesville, Wis., says her practice reaches out to let clients know their pets will never be forgotten.

C.A. Tony Buffington, DVM, PhD, DACVN


Client handout: 3 pet food myths

With so many pet food options, choosing the right diet can be tricky. Help clients with this handout.

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