
G. Robert Weedon, DVM, MPH


Nonsurgical animal sterilization: The potential to control pet overpopulation-and save human lives

Nonsurgical animal sterilization can help humans as much as it helps animals.

Kim A. Selting, DVM, MS, DACVIM (oncology)


Practical Matters: Helpful hints for treating soft tissue sarcomas in dogs and cats

Veterinary oncologist Dr. Kim Selting provides her advice on achieving the best outcomes in these cases.

Robert Lowes


Be smarter about your hardware

Don't buy home computers for the office?even if the price seems irresistible. You'll save on aspirin when you spend a little more on business-grade machines.

David M. Lane, DVM, MS


The profession of no return

With high debt and low salaries, investing in a veterinary education has a poor return on investment.

Richard E. Goldstein, DVM, DACVIM (small animal internal medicine), DECVIM-CA


CVC Central 2007 Highlights: A tip for interpreting Leptospira species titers

To help confirm a diagnosis of canine leptospirosis, veterinarians today must rely on serologic testing with the microscopic agglutination test. Interpreting the test can be problematic, though, especially early on in the disease or in a recently vaccinated dog.

Cindie McDuffee


Forecast: Schedule disrupters on the horizon

It doesn't take a crystal ball to know who'll walk through your practice door next. All you really need is a meeting, says Cindie McDuffee, the office manager at Animal Hospital of Thousand Oaks in Thousand Oaks, Calif.

Jeremy Campfield, DVM


Old School, New School: A great Great Dane dilemma

What will Dr. Seasoned do when faced with a cash-strapped, long-time client and a patient who can be (expensively) saved? The corporate medical directors not going to be happy ...

Mary L. Berg, BS, RVT, RLATG, VTS (dentistry)


Polish your dental protocols and client education

Protect healthy smiles with the C.E.T.® Dental Authority Certification Program

Sonia M. Hernandez, DVM, PhD, DACZM


Unusual exotic pets (Proceedings)

Felids are a large group consisting of 37 species in the genera Felis (small cats), Panthera (large cats), Neofelis (clouded leopards) and Acinonyx (cheetah). Some species of exotic felids such as tigers, lions, bobcats (Felis rufus), caracal (Felis caracal), servals (Felis serval), and serval hybrids have become have become popular pets.

W.H. Miller, Jr., VMD, DACVD


Overview of endocrine skin diseases (Proceedings)

Thyroid hormone is necessary to initiate the anagen phase of hair growth and all hair follicles, except those on the head and distal limbs, appear to be under its influence.

Steven Kornfeld, DVM


Are you giving enough praise?

Studies show morale and turnover improve when team members feel appreciated.

Scott McClure, DVM, PhD, DACVS


Transfixation casting (Proceedings)

The major concern of any fracture repair is to maintain adequate stability for fracture healing to occur. The stability provided by open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is difficult to achieve with other methods of fracture repair. However, ORIF invades the fracture site, can lead to further disruption of vasculature and soft tissue and may provide a mechanism for infection to develop or persist.

Roger Cummings, CVPM


Raising fees only takes you so far

For too long, practitioners undervalued their services, charged too little and often gave away care for free. Though this may still be true for some, others digested the message about a healthy business supporting good medicine and raised their fees. But to make this equation work, you need to raise the level of service, too.

Abby M. Sage, MS, VMD, DACVIM


Pericarditis: Consider pericardiocentesis and lavage

Pericarditis is an inflammatory condition of the pericardial lining of the heart. It is characterized by accumulation of fluid, fibrin or fibrous tissue within the pericardial sac. Pericarditis is seen more commonly in young horses.1,2 There is no breed predilection. Male intact horses may be at increased risk.1

Michael Porter, DVM, PhD


Exercise intolerance, endocrine disorders and chronic weight loss

In addition to arrhythmias, valvular insufficiency as detected by the auscultation of a murmur may result in signs of exercise intolerance.

Johanna Cooper, DVM


Symposium on liver function

Hepatobiliary disease is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in small-animal practice. Several factors, however, complicate the clinical detection of liver disease.

Bash Halow, LVT, CVPM


A modern take on burnout and work-life balance in veterinary medicine

Have you heard? Everyone is “burned out” these days, but what are employees actually saying and what, if anything, can leaders do to make things better?

Jennifer Fiala


Hazardous therapy

NATIONAL REPORT - Brett Cordes, DVM, turned 35 when he felt the lump in his neck.

Lee Stuart, DVM


Letter to dvm360: Depression article triggers memory from years earlier

Dr. Marty Becker helped this dvm360 reader get the best of his friendsand brought light to an issue he can relate to all too well.

Sandy Carter


Make time for special deliveries

Do you see the faces of your elderly or disabled clients as often as you'd like? When the team at Millsap Veterinary Clinic in Millsap, Texas, noticed some older clients were missing their pets' checkups, they started asking questions-and uncovered a transportation problem. Their solution: a pet taxi.

Jack Bridges


USDA labs plow ahead with $447 million plan

Ames, Iowa-This year's $104 million appropriations to upgrade laboratories at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) couldn't have come sooner.

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