
Julie Schell, DVM


Caring for senior pets-and the owners who love them

An aging cat taught this doctor how to show compassion to clients with older pets.

Keith Chaffin, DVM, MS, DACVIM (LAIM)


Epidemiology of Rhodococcus equi foal pneumonia and control of disease on endemic farms (Proceedings)

Rhodococcus equi, formerly called Corynebacterium equi, is the etiology of one of the most severe and devastating forms of pneumonia in foals.

Cheryl Hermann, BA, RVT


Good morning, sunshine

Maybe you're not a morning person. That's no excuse for waiting until after lunch to greet your team.



Updates on the anesthetic care of aging patients

Learn more about the relatively new concept of frailty and key interventions for decreasing morbidity and mortality that are often overlooked

Susan Eddlestone, DVM, DACVIM


Stomatitis in dogs and cats (Proceedings)

Stomatitis in dogs is relatively uncommon however can cause significant health issues when it does occur.

Nicole Northrup, DVM, DACVIM


Introduction to common chemotherapy agents (Proceedings)

Goals of chemotherapy: tumor control, prolonged survival, maintain quality of life.

Bruce W. Keene, DVM, MSc, DACVIM


Leading Off: Guidelines make managing canine heart disease more clear-cut

These guidelines provide a framework for veterinarians to think about diagnostic strategies to screen for the presence of valvular disease.

Charisse Lombardo


Build a wall of fame

Not sure what to do with your empty walls? Charisse Lombardo, an interior de signer and president of CLM interiors in Ridgefield, Conn., suggests creating your own wall of fame.

Allen J. Roussel, DVM, MS, DACVIM


Leukosis and paratuberculosis: frequently asked questions (Proceedings)

Every year I get numerous calls about Johne's disease and bovine leukosis.

R.B. Cope, BSc, BVSc, PhD


Toxicology Brief: The dangers of yew ingestion

For millennia, people used yew alkaloids as both a method of suicide and a chemical weapon during hunting and warfare.

Lawrence Gates


What to put inside

Drains and air-return ducts may not seem sexy, but thoughtful choices about behind-the-scenes tools let your new practice work harder for you.

John S. Mattoon, DVM, DACVR


Imaging of acute thoracic disease (Proceedings)

Obvious thoracic disease need not be discussed here. Fulminating heart failure, pneumonia, advanced metastatic lung disease, severe pneumothorax and pleural effusion are reliably diagnosed radiographically. What I would like to share with you are the less obvious radiographic manifestations of acute cardio-respiratory disease and my approach to diagnosis. And remember, in the final assessment much can be learned from the presenting clinical signs. Does the patient have a cardiac murmur or history of heart disease? Was there an observed or suspected trauma?

R. Eric Miller, DVM, DACZM


AAAS symposium-Wildlife in captivity: Ethics and zoos

Should zoos exist? And if yes, for what purpose?

Jim Remillard, MPA, CVPM


Trial by fire: coping with disaster

This veterinary practice survived a devastating blaze that killed 16 patients and destroyed the building.

Audra Wilkes, GSS, CITRMS


Identify theft workshop: Learn how to protect you and your practice: Part 1 (Proceedings)

Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personally identifying information, like your name, Social Security number, or credit card number, without your permission, to commit fraud or other

Kimberly Lane, BS, LVT


Trapped in Paradise

Visiting exotic locales, helping animals and people in need. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? It can be - or you can find yourself frustrated, disillusioned, and disappointed, as I did.

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