Prognosis and outcome of critically ill neonatal crias (Proceedings)
October 1st 2011South American Camelids (SAC) have gained significant popularity as pets, show, pack (llamas) and fiber animals in the United States, which has resulted in an increasing demand for intensive care management of critically ill neonatal crias over the past 10 years.
Manifestation of sepsis in neonatal crias (Proceedings)
October 1st 2011The accepted working definition of sepsis in humans is based on a 2010 Consensus Conference statement on sepsis and organ failure, which identified sepsis as a systemic inflammatory response (SIRS) associated with suspected or proven infection (fungal, bacterial, viral or rickettsial).
Lower respiratory dysfunction in neonatal and adult camelids (Proceedings)
October 1st 2011A variety of primary lung diseases have been reported in llamas and alpacas in the peer-reviewed literature, although pulmonary dysfunction may be underestimated, due to subtle presenting signs and lack of routine functional analysis of the respiratory track in this species.
FDA will allow Merial to import limited amounts of European version of Immiticide
September 30th 2011Rockville, Md. -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced today that it would allow Merial to import limited quantities of Immiticide from a European supplier to address concerns over a shortage of the drug to treat heartworm infection in dogs.