Government to fund respiratory disease research in cattle
April 7th 2008Blacksburg, Va. - 4/7/08 - The role biofilm plays in the development of Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (BRDC) will be studied, with the help of government funding, by a Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicince professor.
WVMA authors welfare principles for large animals
April 2nd 2008Madison, Wis. - 4/2/08 - The Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association (WVMA) plans to release guiding principles for large-animal welfare, pending review by the group's Animal Welfare Committee and the Executive Board's final approval in June.
Indoor environmental quality and health (Proceedings)
April 1st 2008The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that 69,000 people reporting severe headaches and 105,000 people reporting respiratory problems in the workplace may be suffering from poor indoor environmental quality.
Basics of acupuncture (Proceedings)
April 1st 2008As a healing method, acupuncture has been used for several thousand years. However, recent interest in alternative medicines and especially in the alternative medicines in veterinary medicine have made acupuncture an evermore popular complement or alternative to western or allopathic medicine.