What to do if you suspect a client is an animal hoarder
Trust your gut and take action if you see red flags.
Singing the heartworm heartache and Lyme disease blues
Focus on the problem at hand and move forward with treatment.
A balancing act: Marianne Mallonee's story
Managing a healthy work-life balance is a topic that's near and dear to my heart, primarily because I struggle with it every day.
A balancing act: Kyle Wendy Skultety's story
Juggling a full-time job, online classes, and a husband sounds complicated.
5 ways to get veterinary clients on board with your vaccination recommendations
Polish your communication skills and increase client compliance in the exam room.
A balancing act: Jennifer Graham's story
To this day, I still feel that the receptionist has the most stressful and undervalued position in the veterinary clinic.
A balancing act: Kyle Palmer's story
I've taken a number of steps to ensure that I maintain a healthy balance between work and the rest of my life.
Shove your gloves out of the way in your veterinary clinic
Dispenser keeps gloves within reach, but out of the way
Stop sticker shock in veterinary practice
Provide estimates and payment options to block the shock.
Q&A: Fight veterinary clients' fears with microchip facts
Sometimes clients are afraid to have their pets microchipped. What can I say to calm their fears?
Canine aggression: Getting to a good walk
When the nightly walk becomes a nightmare for pet owners and their dogs, it's time for veterinary technicians to intervene.
Envisioning a better tomorrow for the veterinary profession
No one changes their life because of fear, force, or facts.
Endotracheals made easy in your veterinary clinic
Holder keeps tubes organized and easily accessible.
Veterinary Economics - Digital Edition - 04/01/2012
Give Them What They Want!
Doc Talk: Your practice is a fiefdom
Watch for schism in the clinic.
4 steps to a successful veterinary practice blood drive
Inspire goodwill in your community with this call to (blood drawing) arms.
9 steps to a great equine surgery
Equine surgical veterinary technicians, like Boy Scouts, learn to be prepared.
PHOTOS: Equine veterinary technicians at work
See surgical technicians preparing an equine patient, and find out how the skills that make small animal veterinary technicians great work just as well in equine practice.
4 ways to stay out of the boss's doghouse
In the high-stakes world of veterinary medicine, tempers can spark easily.
Get in the game and make your picks for March Madness
Need some help filling out your bracket? Root for your favorite pet-inspired team!
Listen up! Be engaging if you want your canine patients to hear you
It's not just what you say, it's how you say it.
New veterinary practice managers: Set sights on expectations
Know and share what's expected of your position.
Nutritional nuggets for hyperthyroid cats
The right veterinary diet can be key to helping manage hyperthyroidism. Consider this advice about how to offer nutritional support for cats with hyperthyroidism.
Tulips and lilies and bone meal-oh my!
Roses are red, violets are blue, protect patients from flowers-your veterinary clients will thank you!
Share the horrors of heartworms with clients
It's vital to explain the symptoms and risks of heartworm disease to clients in endemic areas.
The pain's in the purr
Help veterinary clients identify their pets' pain.
Do you know when to walk away?
Learn how to tame your temper in the veterinary clinic.
Whistle where you work
Afraid to report workplace violations in the veterinary clinic? Don't be.
Beef up client compliance and encourage weight loss in obese pets
Giving pet owners a challenge and rewarding their efforts might be the best approach.
He said, she said: Veterinarians sound off on work and family life balance
Does gender really matter when considering how veterinarians cope with responsibilities outside of practice?