Revisiting corporate practice
In 1994, Veterinary Economics ran a cover article featuring Dr. Scott Campbell with the headline "Who Is Dr. Scott Campbell and Why Is He Bringing Full-Service Veterinary Care to PetSmart?" Today, doomsday prophesies that independent practitioners worried about back then seem to have fallen short. ...
Battling retirement fees
Q. How will inflation and taxes affect my cash needs during retirement?
Match made in heaven
You're on the hunt for a new associate. Here's how to find the right doctor for you and your practice.
Animal cruelty: What's your responsibility?
Defining your role and responsibility in cases where violence against animals can lead to violence against people
10 ways to look like a slob
Here's how to dress for the level of success you never wanted to achieve.
Ask Amy: Holiday scheduling blues
Develop a support network
Sometimes a hospital manager needs someone outside of the practice to bounce ideas off of, vent to, and solve problems with.
Have no fear: Help is here
You're already familiar with the idea of hiring a relief veterinarian and the benefits that come along with doing so. But what about hiring a relief technician?
How to quit gracefully
Q: I'm unhappy and I want to quit my job. How can I leave without burning bridges?
Build a wall of fame
Not sure what to do with your empty walls? Charisse Lombardo, an interior de signer and president of CLM interiors in Ridgefield, Conn., suggests creating your own wall of fame.
Caring for gentle giants
Working with mountain gorillas has been the seminal experience of my life.
Don't let fees fly out the door
Your practice isn't a bank, and you're not a loan officer. Use these eight strategies to make sure your practice gets paid for services--so the practice owner can pay you.
The sixth stage of grief
There's a different kind of pain that comes from making the decision of life or death for a pet.
Your computer is your phone's best friend
Mrs. Smith is on the phone again. Someone from your practice left her a message.
Can you hear me now?
Q. What is VoIP? Should my practice consider switching our traditional phone system?
Facts about long-term care
A handout that explains to clients why pets taking medication need to be monitored.
A new spin on 6 marketing musts
Your practice is unique. Maybe you offer a service others don't, or maybe you just do it better. But if you don't tell clients why you're so special, they just might miss it. And wouldn't that be a shame?
Paying for associate CE
Q. I know we need to pay team members when they attend required training meetings. But what's the legal standard for paying associate veterinarians their salary to attend CE meetings? Where does the practice's responsibility end and the doctor's responsibility to maintain her license begin?
Avoid your own Andromeda strain
Your enthusiasm should be infectious, not your hospital. When treating disease, make sure one sick animal doesn't turn into many.
Reach out to grieving pet owners
Whether from accidents, illness, or euthanasia, pets die every day, often in your hospital. Do you know what to say--and what not to say--to clients before, during, and after a loss?
Ritz-Carlton's newest service strategies
Put the luxury hotel chain's latest values to work in your practice and increase client satisfaction.
Make spring cleaning egg-citing
An Easter egg hunt for cash- and candy-filled eggs makes spring cleaning fun for the team at the Maul Road Animal Clinic in Camden, Ark.
A working vacation-it's more fun than it sounds
A Web site lets you try out your dream career on your next vacation.
From exam room to starting line in eight weeks
With dedication, training, and planning you can run a 5K race.
7 things to look for in a new position
Watch for these warning signs and welcome sights to be sure your new practice is a keeper that'll keep you happy.
10 ways to wow your boss
You're good, and you know it. Now's the time to show it.
Ceremony brings clients together
Creating unity among clients whose pets have passed away helps solidify their bond to your practice-and shows great empathy.
The company he keeps
Read how competing veterinarians wound up in the same band.
Out of the comfort zone
We get into deeply seated patterns of thinking and acting, and at some point we lose sight of other possibilities and opportunities.
If I were a rich man ... or not
If you don't have a strong desire to be wealthy, you're in good company in the United States.