
Sarah Nichols


Too close for comfort?

When one McDonald's restaurant faced a space dilemma, the owner tore down a wall--and made the building smaller. This may seem like the wrong approach, but the squeeze forced employees to examine traffic flow and suggest improvements. With less space to work, the owner knew everyone would become more efficient.

William R. Gengler, DVM, Dipl. AVDC


Dental homecare compliance: Talk to clients about the realities, long-term costs of poor oral health

In the last 20 years, veterinary dentistry has seen tremendous growth in the education of veterinarians regarding oral health. And the message is being communicated to pet owners.

Eric Klaphake, DVM, DACZM, DABVP


Video: Poultry practice: From the backyard to your clinic

Follow this advice to expand your expertise in this area of avian medicine.

Anne Desrochers, DVM, DACVIM


Equine Image Quiz: Neurologic deficits and vestibular dysfunction in a palamino

What's causing this horse's head tilt and facial nerve paralysis?

Kristin MacDonald, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (Cardiology)


Murmurs in puppies and kittens (Proceedings)

Congenital heart disease (CHD) is a morphologic defect of the heart or great vessels which is present at birth. "Congenital" does not imply the defect was inherited, although many CHD are heritable. CHD may also be caused by de novo spontaneous mutations, which have the potential to be transmitted to progeny. Diagnosis of CHD is important for the health of the patient and also to eliminate affected individuals from the breeding pool.

Lydia Gray, DVM, MA


Guide your employees to better performance

Sometimes these employees are simply in the wrong job. If so, just redeploy them.

Mark E. Peterson, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM


Image Quiz: A dyspneic cat with hyperactivity and fever (Sponsored by Dechra)

What's causing this cat's open-mouth breathing and frantic facial expression?

Janet Welch, DVM, DACVS


Speaking with clients about hip dysplasia (Proceedings)

When we diagnose hip dysplasia owners want to know why their dog has it and what it means for their dog's future.

Mike Murray, DVM


Understanding your level of engagement: A framework for greater veterinary job satisfaction

Ramp up professional connections and pay attention to personal involvement to get the maximum fulfillment from your veterinary career.

Laura J. Smallwood, DVM, DACVIM (small animal internal medicine)


The perks of proactive feeding

Dr. Laura Smallwood has advice on the importance of nutritional intervention and how to get clients on-board.

Matt Brown


Developing effective deworming programs (Sponsored by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health)

The best way to prolong the efficacy of deworming programs is to use vaccinations and sound nutrition in conjunction with the right anthelmintics.

Claire Card, DVM, PhD, DACT


Hormonal management of mares (Proceedings)

Hormonal management of mares is used to manipulate the onset of the breeding season, the timing of ovulation and in performance mares the prevention of estrus. Pasture breeding, hand breeding using teasing with estrus detection by a stallion, and artificial insemination (AI) of cooled and frozen semen are still commonly used in Canada.

Karen L. Overall, MA, VMD, PhD, DACVB, CAAB


Can hyper dogs become happy dogs?

Why and how to investigate your canine patients whose overactivity drives their owners up the walls.

Sue Blackburn


A new puppy and a life renewed

One hospital and its clients help a family stunned by tragedy pick up the pieces and begin a new life.

Joan S. Bowen, DVM


Specific pathogen prevention program for the tough diseases of sheep and goats (Proceedings)

Several insidious diseases cause significant economic loss to sheep and goat producers through decreased longevity, growth rate, milk production and animal sales, and they are often purchased through inapparent carriers.

Kelly D. Mitchell, DVM, DVSc., DACVIM


Enteral feeding in dogs and cats: Indications, principles and techniques (Proceedings)

Enteral feeding tubes are an essential tool in the provision of nutritional support to animals unable or unwilling to consume sufficient calories on their own. Nutritional support should be considered for any animal that has been anorexic or has had inadequate voluntary caloric intake for ? 3 days, has lost ? 10% of their body weight or has other signs of malnutrition (e.g. poor hair coat, muscle wasting, poor wound healing, hypoalbuminemia, lymphopenia).

Heather Biele, DVM


Dog park dos and don'ts: What pet owners need to know before joining in the fun

Help your clients to avoid dangerous conditions and snarling dog fights with these tips.

Lynette Ott


Sneaky charges bite

If your credit card statements are rife with odd or inexplicable charges, a few simple changes could help you save.

Noelle Miles, DVM


Did Father know best?

Probably not, but I learned better client care when my dad ignored my advice and picked a pet with his heart-not his head.

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