
Jeff Werber, DVM


Veterinary ownership is harder than it used to be: Heres why

The costs of doing business go upbut the ability to charge more doesnt. Still loving the profession, Dr. Jeff Werber, a Veterinary Economics Editorial Advisory Board member, talks about the troubles hes seen.

Thomas Schermerhorn, VMD, DACVIM (SAIM)


Strategies for monitoring diabetes mellitus in dogs (Sponsored by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health)

Monitoring the effectiveness of therapy is an important part of managing canine diabetes. The time and effort the veterinarian devotes to client education will imporve the client's ability to accurately relate what is observed at home and to monitor the dog according to the veterinarian's instructions-both of which facilitate the veterinarian's ability to assess the long-term efficacy of treatment.

Gary J. Patronek, VMD, PhD


Animal hoarding: Its roots and recognition

It is a positive step for the profession, for animals, and for society that veterinary medicine has embraced responsibility for preventing cruelty to animals. But we also need to attend to a more subtle and less well understood form of severe cruelty: the chronic, large-scale neglect that occurs with animal hoarding.

Ralph C. Harvey, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVA


Pain management is key to low-stress veterinary visits

Luckily, Dr. Ralph Harvey says you'll soon have more analgesic options than ever.

Virginia B. Reef, DVM, DACVIM


Arthrosonography: Joints of the back, pelvis and hind limb (Proceedings)

The soft tissue structures of the joints, back, and foot can be evaluated ultrasonographically yielding important diagnostic information that cannot be obtained radiographically.

Colleen Jamison


The whole package: Non-medical skills build employer approval

It takes more than scientific intuition to become a well-rounded, successful veterinarian, experts say.

Collin Babcock


Who's that dog?

Give your patients a license to board with custom pet ID cards, suggests Collin Babcock, the practice owner and manager at McCune Animal Hospital in Eagle Rock, Mo.

Jennifer L. Garcia, DVM, DACVIM


Olfactory enrichment for cats: alternatives to catnip

Cats that are immune to the powers of catnip may still be able to enjoy that special brand of feline fun with alternative plant materials that may work just as well.

James R. Jorgensen


Goals are key to success

Your editor's note, "I Love My Job" (January/February 2007) hit the nail on the head.

Walter Renberg, DVM, MS, DACVS


Just Ask the Expert: Three keys to orthopedic postoperative care compliance

Dr. Walter Renberg helps with what may be the Holy Grail of veterinary medicine.

Linda King, DVM


Pet pig plays dead at the wrong moment

This veterinarian's pot-bellied pig was a quick learner. Maybe a little too quick ...

Susan Adams-Conley, DVM


I survived an outbreak of virulent feline calicivirus

I'll never know for sure which cat first brought the disease to my clinic. But I know where I saw it first.

Mark Crisman, DVM, DACVIM


Antimicrobial pharmacology (Proceedings)

Therapeutic decision making is often a difficult and complex process.

Gary W. Ellison, DVM, MS, DACVS


Surgery STAT: Diagnosis and surgical management of atresia ani in small animals

Atresia ani is a congenital embryological anomaly in which the hindgut fails to fully communicate with the perineum.

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