
Matthew Beal, DVM, DACVECC


Video: Fluoroscopic-guided nasojejunal tube placement: A masterful, minimally invasive feeding method

Dr. Matthew Beal discusses an exciting new technique that allows enteral nutritional support in critically ill veterinary patients that can't tolerate gastric feeding because of severe vomiting or a risk of aspiration pneumonia.

Wendy Baltzer, DVM, PhD, DACVS


Which injuries are most common in various sports?

See what injuries are more common in gun, agility, and flyball dogs.

Renee Rucinsky, DVM, DABVP


Practitioner reality – How I deal with hyperthyroidism (Proceedings)

Hyperthyroidism is caused by excessive production of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyroxine (T3).

Christine Rees, DVM, DACVD


Having a complex over eosinophilic granuloma complex? (Proceedings)

Eosinophilic granuloma complex is a dermatologic condition most commonly seen in cats. Allergies such as food allergy, atopy and insect hypersensitivities have been associated with this syndrome. If the allergic cause for this dermatitis is not found than the EGC is described as being idiopathic.

Robert Newman, JD


Charging witness fees

I've been asked to be a witness in an animal cruelty case. How should I be paid?

Derek B. Fox, DVM, PhD, DACVS


On the Forefront: Looking at canine angular limb deformities in a new way

Angular limb deformities are common orthopedic conditions in dogs, and a wide variety of deformities can occur. These deformities have most commonly been described in the canine antebrachium.

Raymond Q. Hyde, DVM


Dangers lurk in equine dentistry

The use of motorized dental equipment has become quite popular and is now commonly used by many veterinarians and equine dental technicians around the world.

Phil Farber, DVM


A shift in communication

How can we overcome communication problems when shifts change? Our team members in the front and in the back of the hospital seem to have trouble keeping up with each other when the morning shift changes to the afternoon shift.

Mona Rosenberg, DVM, DACVIM (Oncology)


Precision medicine: a new frontline attack on canine cancer

Exploring the differences between traditional chemotherapy and targeted therapy

Jennifer Keefe, CVT, VTS (ECC, anesthesia)


4 ways to avoid anesthesia complications

You can reduce your patients' potential for problems by staying clear of these common pitfalls.

Marc Rosenberg, VMD


Social media: friend or foe?

Having protocols in place for staff who publicly post about a practice may help mitigate problems

Elizabeth Rhodes


Entering a new era

Many believe the growth of specialty practices benefits the entire profession.

Susan Wagner, DVM, MS, DACVIM


How self awareness aids our patients: part 2 (Proceedings)

Animals serve many roles when it comes to energy and the planet. Their energy fields are far more expansive than ours – a dog's energy field is approximately ten times that of a human's. A horse's field will encompass a large arena, and a cat's will fill an entire property. The energy of wildlife is especially important to the survival of the planet. They create a frequency that maintains the vibrational health of the planet, and all creatures on it.

Terry W. Campbell, MS, DVM, PhD


Performing a basic examination in fish

Pet fish are one of the most numerous companion animals in U.S. households, yet few fish owners consult veterinarians about fish disease partly because historically veterinarians have declined to offer them assistance. Yet all veterinarians are trained in pathology, diagnostics, animal husbandry, and pharmacology, so who better to apply the principles of these disciplines to pet fish.

Steve Bennaka


FAQs: The Veterinary Economics Hospital Design Competition

Here are the most common questions we receive each year-and answers that will help you build a stellar entry notebook.

Stephen Tracey


5 ways to fail at ultrasound in your veterinary hospital

From purchase to training, heres what happens if you dont plan for this new important addition to your medical services.

W. Richard Widmer, DVM, MS


Get the most out of your digital radiography equipment (Proceedings)

Digital radiography is the fastest growing imaging modality in medicine. It is replacing conventional analog imaging in practices across the United States. Eventually all veterinary practices will utilize this modality.

Scot Hodkiewicz, DVM


I Survived: A surgical screwup

It's every veterinarian's worst nightmare. Here's how our practice recovered.

Amanda Wolfe


A warm reception

Your clients are guests in your practice. So treat them to an experience they deserve.

Gary W. White, DVM


Using glycosaminoglycans for treating equine joint diseases

Glycosaminoglycans have helped veterinarians target therapies toward the underlying pathology of equine joint disease, says Dr. Gary W. White.

Mark Ransom


Pounce on your purrfect software

Computer expert shows you the correct approach to snagging your ideal software.

Tomas Martin-Jimenez, DVM, PhD, DACVCP, DECVPT


Immunosuppressive therapy in small animals (Proceedings)

Although newer therapies are being developed in humans that allow a certain targeting specificity, immunosuppressive therapy in dogs and cats is largely based on the use chemotherapeutic drugs.

Melody Heath, DVM


Put rude client behavior on hold

If cellphone use is becoming a nuisance in your practice, you're not alone.

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