Are you knowledgeable? Are you wise? There is a difference
October 1st 2001George Anyon, a philosopher, penned this thought, "Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much; wisdom is humble that he knows no more." What is the meaning of this aphorism? Is there a difference between knowledge and wisdom? How does this thought apply to our role as veterinary practitioners?
CDC: Cats added to list of salmonella risk factors
September 4th 2001Atlanta - Although salmonella has traditionally been associated with chicken, cats and other animals can shed Salmonella in their feces, and then spread the bacterial infection to humans, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Pet food aims to make canine cognitive dysfunction a distant memory
August 20th 2001London - Scientists at the Waltham Center for Pet Nutrition have engineered a new pet food that could reduce the rates of canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome or "doggy Alzheimer's," cancer and other age-related diseases in animals.
International congress chair balks at 'needless' cosmetic pet surgery
August 20th 2001Vancouver, B.C. - In his opening remarks, an international animal welfare chair poked jabs at cosmetic surgery practices in the U.S. and Canada that are willfully defended by kennel clubs, dog shows, breeders and pet owners.
Caribbean nonprofit funds stray handling
July 1st 2001St. Lucia-The International Veterinary Assistance Inc., a volunteer-led nonprofit group of veterinarians organized in May, has earmarked more than $60,000 in veterinary resources of its volunteers to promote stray animal management on the Caribbean island here.
Study shows safety of cancer drug for dogs
July 1st 2001New Haven, Conn.-Initial results of a study of dogs with advanced cancers that were treated with intravenous doses of Vion Tapet} vector indicate anti-tumor response in 24 percent of cases, according to Mario Sznol, M.D., Vion vice president of clinical affairs.