When should you act as the jury?
Take a gavel to judgmental thinking.
Naughty or nice
Don't give backhanded compliments.
Stop judging clients
Eradicate assumptions to improve client and patient care.
Apples to apples
See which bad seeds pollinate your practice.
Praise for pit bulls
Ban bad owners, not breeds.
Sample script: Push products without being a pushy salesperson
A sincere recommendation isn't the same as a sales pitch.
Economy altering dynamics of practice sales
National Report - The business of buying and selling veterinary practices continued into early 2009 at a steady pace, with some brokers even reporting sales increases.
Don't send patients home groggy
Re-evaluate your anesthesia protocol to prevent patients going home groggy.
The golden rules of referrals
Follow these guidelines to maintain professional relationships with fellow equine practitioners.
How to deal with rotten team members
Here are 5 unsavory types, and how to keep these bad apples from spoiling your team.
Employees can still-and will-leave employers
Study shows workers continue to seek greener pastures.
10 ways to drive your team nuts
Lose your co-workers' goodwill-and respect-with these simple steps.
Technicians will weather the economic storm, report says
Technician ranks No. 2 in recession-proof jobs.
Sample client checklist
Use this checklist to prepare for the day's appointments and predict clients' and patients' needs.
AAHA releases new behavior guide
Lakewood, Colo. -- A new guide to help veterinarians counsel pet owners about behavior problems has been developed by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).
Service: The secret to survival
Practices that offer superior client care today will be better off tomorrow.
California dumps vet tax proposal
A tax on veterinary services is officially off the table in California.
New campaign gives pet owners money for veterinary care
Help your clients receive $20 to put toward wellness services at your practice.
Secondhand smoke harms pets
Research shows secondhand smoke can cause cancer in dogs and cats.
Could pets help owners quit smoking?
Web survey shows 28 percent of pet owners would kick the habit for their pets.
Dealing with Drama Dharma
Handle attention-seeking team members.
Efficiency study: How to do more with less
Measure client wait times in the reception area, exam room, and checkout on a daily or weekly basis using VMC Inc.'s two-step efficiency study.
Consumer Reports tackles pet food
Veterinary expert Dr. Ernie Ward says that if clients ask questions as a result, it's a chance for you to bond.
TV anchorman turns to veterinary medicine
After being laid off, former television journalist pursues his lifelong dream of working with animals.
Technicians vital to health of diabetic pets
Experts agree that technicians are the key to client compliance with home monitoring of diabetic pets.
Light a fire under their butts
Team members have to pick up trash and pull weeds when taking time to smoke a cigarette.
Do not neglect dental care: Talk to clients about brushing their pets teeth.
Clients need to brush their pets teeth to prevent dental disease and other illnesses.
Making reception run smoothly is everyone's responsibility
Here's a position-by-position list of who should do what.
11 inexpensive ways to brighten a practice amid recession
Look at all the layoffs, even within the biggest and strongest companies.
Thinking of converting a building into a clinic?
The prospect of building an all-new practice facility is a daunting one, especially for veterinarians who have not owned a practice before.